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Underconstruction Topic

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t u n n e l.
there was a topic on WWs about it I pretty much took a file from the topic and saved it in m NL folder under a certian name.

Once I either find the file in my folder or find the topic i'll post a link here
Ooooooh, whata bitchy comment :p oj lol!

My comp isnt letting me upload any pics of yet so I weill try my best to get them in a bit!
Wow, I like them cars and the colour scheme is hot :p!

Anyhow my coaster is finished and in the forums now!
Yay! More eye candy!

Since my return to school, I've found many new ideas for coasters.

My newest B&M Floorless.


They're a secret, but I heard it tops out at over 70 mph and 200 ft.! :shock:
Yay! I'm back! My computer was really mad at me... anyway, its working now, so yeah. I will post a new update on Heartbreakers: The Ride soon. I haven't worked on it forever since my computer had NL on it, so expect an update soon!

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