loefet said:As I think at the moment I will use Intamin sitdown style to be able to make the rolling part of the track look loike the original without a load of 3ds.
Planing to use a 3 car train to simulate the capacity of the original x-car train, and also a little of the look of the x-car.
Now the layout is almost complete, except a load of smoothing on the rolling, and also verify so that the ride will be as close to the real thing as possible (right amount of passes and so forth).
To bad that it?s not possible to make an accurate copy of the Sky-wheel, because you have to make a shuttle of it, but you only have to press 8 at the finish of the ride and it will start again.
Oh yes good call, for a G-Force like X Car the premier would be best but sky wheel has the 4 tubed track.
I think it should be heartlined more.
And what's the point of 3d's outside of the station, just release it.