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no..in cases where the banking is too much for the given coaster car. You'll actually see the wheel pop up from under the chasis.
a.k.a ....The wheel assembly breaks in real life.
He means the CHANGE in banking, for example if you have level track that suddenly becomes steeply banked, and the wheels follow the banking but the rest of the car doesn't.

It's like on the Intamin hypercoaster, where the front car wheel assembly mounts protrude through the special holes in the front bodywork at high rates of change of banking... but that coaster is designed for it.
Ny project hav been slightly delayed, after I begun to redo almost all of the track. :) But I really think it will be a better result this way, mainly bacause that the track was greatly packed.
crunchysaviour said:
He means the CHANGE in banking, for example if you have level track that suddenly becomes steeply banked, and the wheels follow the banking but the rest of the car doesn't.

It's like on the Intamin hypercoaster, where the front car wheel assembly mounts protrude through the special holes in the front bodywork at high rates of change of banking... but that coaster is designed for it.

oh okay i get it. It should be fine then, there is no immediate banking! In fact, my testers, including real from CS.com and WWS.com have said that i should make the banking more immediate.
Crazycoaster has inspired me to make a rival track to his latest masterpiece 'Trance'
Details will come soon, but this project is coming along very rapidly. Heres a little preview on whats to come. Oh yer, the other track is coming along just fine too lol

Theres a long way to go but here, I present, Gargantuan!
Crazycoaster is the KING! You will bow down to his might, foolish Screaming Coasters!

I've been toying with a B&M inverted, but what I have so far has been disappointing.
Haha, thats why I won the NL award last year then? lol
I havnt released a track this year and I plan to hit the NL scene pretty damn hard. I will release a track before this to ease me back. This means war! lol :p
I've had an immense idea... but the question is, what style of coaster should it be?

I think it should be an invert.

This one will take at least a month...
Emotion is my new coaster a Intamin Accelorator coaster it is pretty much a copy of Stealth but it isn't really the track I'm working on its the 3D's.

My coaster is nearly finshed just need to add dome flanges (this will be the first time i use them on my coasters)
and crazy coasters even said it was a cool ride, hope you like it all will be out next friday!!!
Screaming Coasters said:
Haha, thats why I won the NL award last year then? lol
I havnt released a track this year and I plan to hit the NL scene pretty damn hard. I will release a track before this to ease me back. This means war! lol :p

Dude i will try challenge you on that in years to come. :) I dont have a chance yet, but maybe in a couple of years. Hopefully. :D

SyeBPB, you ought to heartline your coaster, that will give the top hat a more realistic feel and shape.
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