From: http://www.sommarland.se/trananblog/?p=219Skara Sommarland said:Last Saturday was a sad event during a ride on Tranan when several belts came undone in one of the wagons. We at Skara Sommarland look seriously at this and understands that incidents on attractions causes concern. Safety is always in focus with us at Skara Sommarland and before the premiere of Tranan, a comprehensive survey of the state's accredited inspection bodies Inspecta. When the problem arose, we took immediate action and stopped the ride for the rest of the day to identify and correct the problem. On Sunday morning we tested Tranan for two hours without passengers, and then test rode the coaster. Tranan will now fly without problems.
Mvh Lisa Lindgren, Marketing Skara Sommarland
Hixee said:It does screech an awful lot though.