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Thorpe Park |"The Swarm"| B&M Wing Coaster

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The reason I think (or know) this fake?

Why put the water-dummies with proper limbs on in the first place? Water dummies are there to simulate the weight of the riders, not to test clearances.

It's just publicity. Yeah we know it's not true because we're goons, but it's succeeded in its purpose and brought attention to the park and the ride.

Saying stuff as inconsequential as this has ruined the whole ride and its build up is just ridiculous.

Thorpe Park |"The Swarm"| B&M Wing Coaster

It won't ruin the ride at all just ruins all the other great publicity they have been doing which is a shame.
I think it's great, but we shouldn't encourage them ;)

Lots of people now have seen this and are aware that you are hanging off the train (most people visiting Thorpe haven't done that) and that you're exposed.

Even if the ride is complete crap (Ineversaiditwasdon'thurtmepleaseeventhoughyouknowit'sgoingtobe), the people who have read this will now think about their exposed limbs as they ride the coaster and it will increase their fear of the ride. As soon as you do that then you have a much higher adrenaline pumping ride than you initially had.

Even better, Chinese whispers will twist this into actual people losing limbs on the first test ride and it needing major modifications so that nobody else gets hurt. By 2020 people will be coming on here telling us about how the first test riders were decapitated and the ride shut for six months for a major police investigation and now the headless riders haunt Thorpe Park, particularly around the area of the new haunted walk through.
Thorpe Park |"The Swarm"| B&M Wing Coaster

Good way of looking at it furie, in that way yes it works.

Suppose that's the thing with advertising you have to look at it deeper :)

Most of the public have not seen the developers stuff so they have to be treated different and if you do that it's ok. One lot of pa was for us this type is for the public.

Not long to go now cannot wait tbh.

Still got no idea who the haters are Neal I have only read good stuff by most. Last few times I have been to Thorpe it's been great.
It's actually awful and I don't think it should be allowed. Let's just justify that...

I think as I did above, it's a very clever marketing campaign aimed at the general public. I stand by the fact it's not dreadful in the general scheme of things, Thorpe are a company and need to reach the public and make their new product appealing to their audience.

However, these publicity stunts are lying to newspapers for free advertising. This is what I think is wrong. People who read the paper will actually believe that these things are and that's deliberately misleading, which is actually terrible. For the sake of saving money on real advertising, Thorpe are telling lies to the media.

However, if the biggest lie the Daily Mail readers see today is this one, then I'd say things are probably pretty good generally ;)
I love how they only BOTHERED putting the mannequins on the front row, and the rest of the train is clearly just full of actual water dummies, haha <3.

So audacious <3.
I actually think that's amazing marketing.

It's great to see a park actually really try to scare people, and on top of that, it's more of this making people aware of the differences between rides and what's special about them.

Imagine what everyone who's seen this marketing campaign is going to be like when they ride Swarm... They are going to pull their arms and legs away in genuine fear at the near misses. A roller coaster that insights genuine fear is a rare thing.

I dunno how they get away with it, or why the potential negative effects of this don't make them more cautious. But wow.
I just find it funny that a majority of the retarded General Public will genuinely believe the article, ride the coaster and expect to get maimed...
They, erm, look a bit, um, it can't just be me noticing what they look like can it? :P Mainly the front two on the left
It's great that they want to scare people, but I told my freinds about this and they don't won't to ride it anymore.

Less queues for me. <333
Simply put, this is dumb marketing. Poking at fun fear over a roller coaster is one thing, but raising serious safety concerns? Clearly Thorpe did not think through the real ramifications of this stunt.
I think to suggest they didn't think through the ramifications of something like this is as daft as you're making it out to be.

Past Furie's concern, I don't think it's problematic at all. In fact, I think a lot of people are just going "LOL THORPE MARKETING SO STUPID" just because that's what we have had to do for years.

Do you guys reaaaaaaally think that the turnout is going to be less than it would have been, because of this? Do you really think more people won't ride it than would have? Do you not think it's just raised talk of Thorpe Park, like all shock marketing campaigns do?

The mindset of "it wouldn't be open to the public unless it was safe" conquers pretty much all. There are a lot of examples of people who have been seriously injured, or even died, because they put their own judgement to one side.

I question the effect it will have on people who come to the park in the first place, but I think the thing about Thorpe is it really doesn't need to be too concerned with that. People will come, regardless.

I've seen a few people propose that this raises a safety concern that the park didn't plan it properly. I think anyone who thinks they use dummies to test clearance this late in the day is not going to be too bothered about that. They're going to think this is the common way of testing clearance, and that they just need to make changes now. Which is what the report is claiming, anyway.

Anyone with a brain would be suspicious as to why the story was leaked if true.

I'd love to know what B&M think of it all. Lmao.

It's a marketing stunt that emphasises the coaster's intentions. That, in my eyes, is great.
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