If they would open up the park late into the evening in summer this could really work.
They look kind of horrible but I like the idea to have a small space outside your room.
I've been to Thorpe once when I got a lift because it's such a pain to get to by public transport.
Alton Towers is easier because it's closer but also because it has direct links to Stoke-on-Trent which has links to lots of places. Having to go through Staines is what makes it awkward because it's an extra link compared to AT and it makes the difference between having to go there ridicularsely early or kind of, too late to make the most of it. I have to get up at 5.50 for AT but I brave it...like, once a year. :lol:
If the park was open later in summer so you were pretty much ready to crash when you went back to The Pad, it would be worth it probably. To me, at least. I wouldn't want to just hang around at a bar that you know will be a rip-off (though probably no worse than most concerts).
I'd make the effort and go mad early, stay the day and evening (do it Thorpe!), crash at The Pad and then go to London or something the next day. I'd be pretty happy with that and the price is the price because you are kind of...lost.
But they should let you sleep in late if you haven't got park tickets for the next day. Until midday at least.
Aunty Meridiem and I haven't gotten along in a while.