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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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This is one of those times when I wish we had the popcorn: smiley more readily available...
Hehe, I take back a previous post from the other day. That is most certainly no UC imposter!

Well either that or a bloody good one! :lol:
Gah! Damn you sleep! I can't be arsed with all the nitty gritty.

From my own observations:

Trains comes into station high. It is in a narrow section of building. There is a trains length gap which reaches pretty much to the front of the of the station. The train is jumping to where? The Rita photo booth? Nope, it's not jumping anywhere as there is only room in the station for a train length of track, and a train width.

Whatever happens inside happens on the confines of the width and length of a train (give or a take a couple foot), and the depths of the station.

So, simply put - the thing goes down vertically, and can't do anything else due to the space constraints. There is nothing else...
rollermonkey said:
Could go up a bit first...

Actually, it CAN! :lol:

There's about a six foot space above (what I would perceive as) the top of the train (with people) and the very top of the roof section.

Are we all covered now? :lol:
Not really read this topic for some time.

I can not beleive people are going off the idea that it will drop lol. As Furie said where else is the train going to go, maybe it will transport to the USA and back again :) Maybe during the transport some goons can be vaporised.

Catching up on a topic is a fun game as I sit and laugh rather than get wound up :)
LOL Marc! It gets transported to the new B&M John Wardley will design in the future at Busch. It's the world's first time travelling B&M/Intamin hybrid... Oh, and the B&M part has a launch


(this is all a lie obviously - the indoor section is, of course, an Aquatrax).

Does anyone actually have anything real to add???
True, but hopefully by mocking the ridiculous ideas people are suddenly sprouting in lieu of actual news - we may stop them from irritating us? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Anyway, just so that the last page is always some news on the coaster, I went back five pages and found the last update to quote here (resists urge for an emoticon)

Blaze said:
I think there probably will be problems, especialy in 2010, but hopefully it won't be too bad, they spent two years designing it, so hopefully they wil have identified any problems they could have. The good thing about opening in March is by summer it will have had a bit of a run-in and hopefully be reliable. Look at Mumbo Jumbo. They opened it in the summer and that meant when the park was busiest it was repeatedly breaking down and the staff couldn't do anything.

Any way, just like to point out a few things about the ride I have noticed:


Here the helix is looking bare and open, but there will be another tree inside and two large ones hanging over:

All the trees for the backwards section are in place already.
I believe this is conclusive proof we are getting full size trains of at least 4 cars:

The switch, which is the bit with the metal strip down the side, is just a bit smaller than Rita's shed, which is big enough to house a full Rita train and tools and equipment for the ride.

This has nothing notable in, but I think it just looks ace:


This is a picture of just Rita. It comes with the caption
While we were up there, we took an aerial shot of Rita too - look at that queue line!
This can be interpretted in a number of ways.
1. They just took a picture of Rita and the queue.
2. They are being sarcastic about the size of the line
or, hopefully,
3. They are cryptically telling us they are going to sort it out.

Images from Flickr are from early-mid October-Early November. Note the lack of catwalks on the lift when they were taken. Has something hapened on site already so they have to give us older images?
People enjoy talking nonsense about this kind of thing, I don't see the problem. As long as when someone asks for an update, as I run in here doing, someone who's been watching the topic can update. :p
Some daft PR-age for SW6.

Really, REALLY, is this happening? When they mention "the equivalent of a six-figure salary" it does make you think they haven't paid him a six figure salary, but have given him things to bump it up to that. I dunno, free passes? Hotel stays? Either way it's riddiculous.

The link is HERE.
So what, X-Factor the ride? With Jedward terrifying people in the dark section, or generally awful people who can't sing but the public love?
Oh this is a PR massacre. Like this guy's fame increases his strength and "ability" to protect the secret of a 'seemingly mediocre' ride.

Let's have the X-Factor voiceover guy on the job next, he can introduce the ride.
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