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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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I think Alton Towers would push the ride so much that people who don't visit Alton Towers will know what the world's first element is :lol:
This kinda confuses me..... If Alton want to advertise the ride as including a world first, but then want to keep that element a secret, how are they gunna advertise it?

They want it to be a surprise, but to do that they have to not advertise the feature. It's not like Air or Blivvy, where it's right there in your face, it's hidden......

Anyways, whilst it makes sense for the tyres to be used for the lift, maybe they are to be used for part of the world's first section? I would rather this be the case, as then we might still see a mega-lite type coaster.

And as for the 'family coaster' label, surely that must be a fake. It looks nothing like the one that was on the Kings Dominion Giga, which you would expect it to, coming from the same company.
LOL!! Why would someone fake the label. We've seen the layout, we know it's a family friendly layout. Merlin have said in their midterm plan that there going to invest in medium thrills over intense thrills.

The "family coaster" label is very broad, but I very much doubt it's fake.
Funky Monk said:
This kinda confuses me..... If Alton want to advertise the ride as including a world first, but then want to keep that element a secret, how are they gunna advertise it?

They want it to be a surprise, but to do that they have to not advertise the feature. It's not like Air or Blivvy, where it's right there in your face, it's hidden......

I assure you all that, they WILL advertise the worlds first feature, but they won't do it for some time yet! They only advertised Oblivions vertical drop when it actually opened

I can promise you sure as sugar they'll advertise it as 'worlds first XXXXXXXXXXX', but they're not going to waste all their media coverage when we're nearing the end of the season... They're making it a worlds first to attract media articles- they want them when it opens not now, so they get the most attention when the park's actually going to be open for more than a few months.

Anyways, whilst it makes sense for the tyres to be used for the lift, maybe they are to be used for part of the world's first section? I would rather this be the case, as then we might still see a mega-lite type coaster.

The tire sections is definitely for the lift hill, sorry.


http://gallery.towersalmanac.com/displa ... 540&pos=12


There's really no question about it. The pieces are identical.

And as for the 'family coaster' label, surely that must be a fake. It looks nothing like the one that was on the Kings Dominion Giga, which you would expect it to, coming from the same company.

The label actual looks pretty similar, just minus the Intamin tape. There's also no reason whatsoever for Alton to try and lie to us about this- it makes no difference to them what type of coasters the enthusiasts think it will be. Also, remember Air was advertised as a 'family coaster'. Plus, the lift hill is THE SAME as that on existing Intamin family coasters.

I think we generally just need to all stop hoping for something that simply isn't going to materialise.

-We've seen the layout outside the builing.
-We've seen the size of the building.

I hate to break it to you but what we see is what we get here. Just accept it. We've got a tire lift, followed by the second half of a megalite, followed by a small indoor section with *some kind of drop two stories funtionality* and then a backwards helix back to ground level.

I'm not saying this is bad, and I'm pretty sure it will be fun, and a don't miss at Alton, but it's not this mega thrill scream machine people keep delusionly hoping it to be.

The sooner everyone accepts this, the better.
Okay, to say it was fake may be a little... out there, but it doesn't look at all professional compared to the one I remember seeing photographed on the KD giga. It just seems weird that Intamin would put a label like that on.

I can accept what you both are saying though, it's a replacement for Corkscrew after all.
Jeez do people need to calm down...

So what if it's not intense? It doesn't need to be, there are plenty of awesome rides that aren't intense but fun... And hopefully that's the category this one will be in...
As we have said for a family coaster the one at Bakken was ok, but for me it fills the gap between Spinball and Rita thats it.

But if you look at the layout its nothing like the one at Bakken so who knows what it will be like, what trains it will have. We have seen track and thats it :)

This will make a very good family coaster simple.
Nemesis Inferno said:
Jeez do people need to calm down...

So what if it's not intense? It doesn't need to be, there are plenty of awesome rides that aren't intense but fun... And hopefully that's the category this one will be in...

I wasn't ever expecting a hugely thrilling coaster this time. It would've been nice to have a custom Mega-Lite etc, but I think I kinda knew that was a long shot.

I just hope Alton make a fun, enjoyable ride. Hopefully it will also be very well themed. That's what going to make or break this ride in my opinion.
^ That would probably depend on what kind of themeing will be done to the train.
They might have decided that it would be easier and maybe cheaper to get a standard train and theme it themselves.
Doesn't the theme park company have to theme the trains themselves anyway if they have a different theming than what the company are selling?
#pmbo said:
Doesn't the theme park company have to theme the trains themselves anyway if they have a different theming than what the company are selling?

Most manufacturers also offer a service to theme their rides (and trains) too.

It's a bit of a mixed bag really. The company will charge a premium for doing the theming themselves. Plus, you are relying on their teams to work to your specs.

Zierer themed Thomas Land though, so it's not something that is a bad thing.

The company will also know exactly how to fit theming to their trains and what vinyl coverings stick properly, what paints to use, etc, etc, etc. So if anything falls off, it's covered by the ride manufacturer and not on the head of the theme park.

Using Thomas Land as an example, when the tail blade fell off the helicopter ride and hurt somebody, it was either the responsibility of Zierer, or the maintenance guy. If the tail rotor had never been removed since install - then it's really Zierer's issue as it's their theming that failed. If Drayton had fitted the theming, then they could simply blame Drayton for failing to fit it correctly.

So there are a few choices to go with really, however, as a family coaster - this is unlikely to have "Intamin style trains" in the Rita/Mega-lite type. It will be more like the mine train style trains - so I think that report is unlikely to have anything to do with the trains for Alton. I would suspect that for ease, Alton will have asked for a pretty standard design.
coasterdude_1 said:
The tire sections is definitely for the lift hill, sorry.


http://gallery.towersalmanac.com/displa ... 540&pos=12


There's really no question about it. The pieces are identical.
Not quite, there's an extra channel/rail on the AT track which Ulven doesn't have (http://rcdb.com/1457.htm?p=7559) - could be an evolution of Intamin's lift hill, or that track section belongs elsewhere and does something extra, or maybe there's something freaky about the trains?

Hopefully the standard "mine train" theme is out anyway if they're making an effort.
^ That extra bit is an evolution on the track system, instead of the fixed mountings of sensors etc, on Mine Train Ulven, it's now a more flexible mounting point so you can add them anywhere along the track piece.
Ex: http://www.rcdb.com/m/2905.htm?p=12086 (bottom of the image).

I really hope that they change the train type from the standard Mine train one, since it will look too much the same as the Runaway Mine Train theme...
Hey guys! Atleast this coaster will most probably have lapbars, and with the hills on the plans, the air should be fuun.
I really hope that they change the train type from the standard Mine train one, since it will look too much the same as the Runaway Mine Train theme...

I doubt it very much that Alton have been given the standard Mine Train 'train' for this coaster.

Aren't them Mine Train trains alot bigger than what Alton is getting anyway? And them coasters only have one train, where as this is getting 2 smaller trains...?

I would suspect that Intamin are giving Alton some custom trains.
I am really looking forward to this. I think this type of coaster will be perfect as it will be something fun whilst still being quite intense, plus I really hope it has lap bars like someone said for the air on the hills. All the big coasters at Towers have OTSRs so it will be a nice change. Also, I don't think it will be a standard mine train, I think it will be something a bit different what we maybe haven't seen before.
Martyn B said:
Have anyone seen the trains?

An Intamin 'style' train was spotted at some motorway services a couple of months ago. But would they deliver the train before the track?

Since it's very likely that Rita is going to be rethemed, is there not a small chance that the train spotted on the Motorway could be a new Rita train?
Now thats not a bad idea. but surely alton would either stick with the current trains and/or retheme the trains they already have?

As for the ride i think its pretty much to be expected to be a good family coaster. we dont yet know wether it will even be themed around a mine train. the trains could be something totaly new and different? just because it has the same track as a mine train doesnt mean it will be a mine train?
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