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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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Blaze said:
Could be for the drop section, if it has one, but I'm sure it is for the sand.

Silica sand is only added to supports during construction and in greater quantities than what that tank would be able to handle. It’s far more likely to be a pneumatic reservoir, and most (if not all) roller coasters need a pneumatic system of some sort, regardless of any “world first” gimmick.
I wonder what the "worlds first" will be?! I wouldn't count a reverse tilting section as a worlds firts hence it has already been done in expedition everest. I wouldn't even count "the worlds first backwards tilting coaster into a helix" as a worlds first, it's just to similar...

Have anyone seen the trains? It might still be something new with them! Or maybe the indoor section will feature live actors. Or perhaps it's an interactive ride where you eg can choose yourself how fast the lift/launch (assuming it'll be launched) goes and thus even deciding how fast the actual ride will be. Speculation is free for everyone!
andrus said:
I wouldn't count a reverse tilting section as a worlds firts hence it has already been done in expedition everest

It's not a reverse tilt in Everest, the track does not tilt at all, the train moves to a section, while a section behind, or in front of the position rotates.

I hope it is something exciting, but how many more world's firsts can there really be?
Ollie said:
I did say well before construction began that you'd all be pretty disappointed and you all had a go at me basically saying "Shut up you don't know anything". Looks like I was right lol. :p
Also looking back at the last few pages. Don't try to over complicate what happens in the building (reading someone saying it might have a drop and tilt track). It's best just to sit back and watch the construction and take the ride for what it is rather than thinking it's going to be the new Nemesis or something.

Not really Ollie. :p

Two things. First, to anyone who thought it was a Megalite - they'd be disappointed. To anyone who studied the layout on the plans and believed them to be accurate, what we're getting is what was expected. I am not disappointed as this is exactly what I expected.

Secondly, last week somebody said "I'll put money on it being Intamin" and you said "You'd lose your money".

So you basically really know nothing. Somebody in passing has said that those expecting a new Nemesis or Expedition Ge Force will be disappointed - something that anyone could have told them six months ago. There's always somebody who "has inside information", who then gloats afterwards with "I told you so". It's irritating, especially when 50% of the information the told us was wrong and the other 50% was obvious :p

Erm, I'm still as excited/unexcited as ever about this. It's still all about the inside bit, which only a few people know about (and NOT Ollie). I'm still expecting a simple show of some kind, and there HAD to be a drop. The train enters the station on one level, and leaves on a lower level.

The track has to come down a fair way in a short distance - so a drop is the most obvious choice. I can't see it being much more than a fast lift down though.
^ When I knew stuff about Saw I never boasted about it on the forum did I! hehe ;)

Im looking faward to this ride. Its pretty much what I was expecting. It was my first pick before the Gerst. models. You can quite clearly see this is litrally what it says on the paper, Family coaster. Intamin normaly say the model. Its got a friction wheel lifthill and similar hight to the Bakken ride. The track gage is very small.

Tbh though, I'm not downing this ride based on the model. Alton could pull something special out here. I think the claim for the worlds first is the dark feature. Its gotta get the train backwards somehow, in a reasonable amount of time. I'm hoping for a drop feature based on extremis. Such a short drop that packs quite a punch. But based on the concept art, I'm guessing its a 45 degree tilt/spinning/rotating track still.
A-Kid said:
Im looking faward to this ride. Its pretty much what I was expecting. It was my first pick before the Gerst. models. You can quite clearly see this is litrally what it says on the paper, Family coaster. Intamin normaly say the model. Its got a friction wheel lifthill and similar hight to the Bakken ride. The track gage is very small.

The ride does not have a wheel lift so far as we know. Someone on TT has said it might have, but I think the picture of that track shows track for station/maintainance or the possible backwards launch.
That track is station/maintainance area track, or something around the building, but surely if that type of kicker wheel is used there then its highly likely that it would be used on the lift aswell. The metal fin would sit in the middle, there would be no room for chain or LSMs.
^ If you are talking about the track piece with all the motor mounts, then it way more likely to be used on a lift/launch than station/maintenance, since there is no need for that many wheels on a flat surface or one where you don't need that much speed.

But I agree with you if they are using those kinds of wheels on one part then it's also likely that they will use them on other parts. And due to noise complaints in the area then a wheeled lift is viritually silent in comparison to a chain driven derivative.

It looks just like this one: http://www.rcdb.com/m/1457.htm?p=4258
So, doesn't this point to an Intamin Minetrain Coaster more? Or have we already established it as that?
^ I would agree with you on that, it all points towards something like it, and in my opinion it will suit the park very well.
Also, Corkscrew's height limit was 1.2 metres, so wouldn't you replace it with another (hopefully better) coaster with the same height limit? The minetrain fits in with this as well, even with the lap bars... :?
This would actually be a good move for Alton Towers. To be fair, they've got Nemesis, Oblivion and Rita for thrill, so a fourth isn't really needed. Maybe we won't see another thrill ride like them until one of them is replaced? :eek:

There are two sets of stairs. The second one that joins next to the exit is for single rider or fastpass. If it is fastpass then I hope loading is not as soon as the plans stop, as I would still like to choose my seat, if the option is available. If not I'll just have to let people past. Hopefully, there will be a front row queue, although I think parks should start back row queues.

On the wheel thing, a wheel lift makes sence, but will it be able to go fast enough? The lift needs to be fast for this. Lift shallow, wide pull out and shallow drop.

Here is the queue in detail.
How long is that queue line? Not the switchbacks, but as if you just walked straight through. I can't tell from the dimensions and have never been there so how long is it?
marc said:
Ollie Furie is right, we both got the builder wrong even at the Flamingo Live we both said Premier.
When I talked to you a while ago on MSN I said I was told it was Intamin but then at the Live you said you'd heard it was Premier which is why I gave a bit of a puzzled look. But I assumed your source was better than mine so I just thought I'd been told wrong.

Anyway I don't think the worlds first will be the cars as I think I remember that guy saying at the Corkscrew event that it was going to contain a "world's first element" So I'm assuming it'll be what happens inside the building.
If the worlds first was the cars, would anyone actually realise that that was what it was. Of course we would, because we'd be looking for it, but if you just went on to the ride witout knowing anything about it, then would you have a clue what this world's first was?
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