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The ^ < V game

^ It's the law and will educate you for future life, or in other words, give you something to do before you die.
< Tired.
v Tired.
^ Yes I would actually, but I would do the technical stuff instead of actually acting.

< Finishes school on Wednesday! :D

V Will not finish school on Wednesday! :birdman:
^ I finish school Thursday lunchtime
< Finishes school Thursday lunchtime
V Finishes school Thursday lunchtime
^ Nope finished erm over 10years ago tehe
< is a human lemon curd factory
V will get me a tissue or 5!
^ Until Friday the 21st, lunchtime, yes. How bloody late, I know!

< Just got most of the outside christmas lights up!

v Has not done any lights outside.
^ Never have done.

< Is playing with the Keyboard & Synthesiser in the loft. (where the computer is)

v Does play musical instrument.
^ No!

< Has spent all his money on xmas presents hmph!

V Hasn't bought any xmas presents yet.
^ Send me your adress and I'll think about it.
< Won't get Karen a present.
V Won't get Karen a present either.
^ I would, but there is no chance of getting it before her birthday or for that matter sending it and recieving it.

< Is a tad hyper from a certain theme tune from a certain movie

V Knows what movie it's from. :lol: