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The ^ < V game

^ Yes
< Wants snow
V Thinks changing the nursery rhyme "Bah bah black sleep" is a load of bollocks.
^I'll have you know, I have it on DVD, it stars Gene Wilder & Marty Feldman, so yes I do know what it is.
<Wishes everyone on Coasterforce a Merry, merry Christmas......... except for Sam.
v Exactly the same as above.
^ Loves Les Miserables and performed in the show! :D (A school edition)

< Is tipsy and has a big knob.....on his door

V Could be tipsy also
^ Yep.
< Has just finished reading The Book of General Ignorance.
v Doesn't know which TV progamme the Book of General Ignorance is from.
^ Yes, you are correct, it is from QI and now I'm angry, you know too much.
< Twit-tuwoo, Twit-tuwoo, that's an impression of a male owl and a female owl.
v Can't wait to get completly plastered out of there tiny little minds on New Years Eve/Dayish.