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The ^ < V game

^ Stop putting that ****ing **** it is boring and is ruining the ****ing game. No i am not ****ing ****ing bored for the last ****ing time.


V Looking forward to easter.
^ erm not last time I looked!
<feels crappy and sore.
V will be someone famous?
^ I met Norah Batty once - she's famous :-D

< Has had a cold since Flamingoland

V Also has aches & pains from Flamingoland
^ is very very wrong

< Just had cocopop straws

V Had them in the last week?
^ No. They are silly gimmicky nonsence

< Tired and should go to bed soon as I'm off to Thorpe in seven hours

V Also going to a theme park today
^ Nah! Unless i decide to bike to Pleasure Island today, which I doubt because I think it's going to rain. I'll wait until Wednesday when I'm off down to Londong to do Chessingon, and then Thorpe in Thursday :D

< Is tired, and really should go to bed, but sometimes it's really nice to speak to lovely people on MSN for hours!

V gets bored speaking to people on MSN for ages
^ Um yes probably .... :roll: :p

< Is fed up that schoolwork has to restart :(

V Will still have a week off school?