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The ^ < V game

^Yep but without the plane journey.
< Putting up with 4 mad nutters in the house!
V has peace and quiet!
^ Yea i do ( except from me, im really loud )
< Watching the simpsons
V Doesn't like the simpsons !
^ Everybody loves the Simpsons!
< Can't wait until the Simpsons movie is released
V will also go and see the movie
^ Nah, It's the first time today I've had some down time
< Started to caddy today, but didn't get to go out
v Won't know what a caddy does.
^ Yeah but there are many differnt types of caddies I think but you're probably referring to a golf caddy. Cha Ching!
< Wants a good paying job.
v Will hate flying.
^I used to.

< I have been doing a theatre production all week and I am shattered (asin sleeping in the audotorium!!)

V Is bored!
^ No I'm bloody not jeez!
< Is getting pins and needles in my left foot from sitting on it for too long.
v Hates pins and needles.
^Big time. Especially the ones that wake you up in the night!
< Needs to wake up at some point today.
V Is eating chocolate and drinking coffee.
^ No and i don't like coffee.
< Is riding Stealth for first time in 8 days :D
V Has already ridden Stealth !
^ I've done two themeparks in two days..... but I'm wide awake :lol:

< Has family visiting later on

V Is looking out of their window at really nice weather (I am!)
^ and sleepy, has been asleep since 3 and only just woken up hehehe

< Is pondering making some dinner

v Will have had dinner....
^No, not really

< I am going to thorpe tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it :D

V Is bored!