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The ^ < V game

^ In what? One doesn't own a car becuase one is too young :lol:

< Do I go to bed or not?

V Is bored
^Yep, I broke up last wednesday :D

< Has just had argument over CF-lives with my parents

V Is bored!
^too damn right

< Had 2 omlettes today (jelous yet mat?)

V wishes they had an omlette
^nope im not. i have no homework!!!

< Is planning his trip to BPB!!!

vWants to go to thorpe park ASAP
^ Yes! Plus when I go Stealth better be open!

< Has just had my best friend fall asleep on me....again! Am I boring?

V Thinks I'm boring
^ Aw you're not boring!!

<Is going to Alton in the hols

V Is also going to Alton in the hols
^ Yeah sure. If only I had $2000 for the plane tickets...
< Had maths exam results handed back and is not pleased.
v Will have done well in their recent tests.
^ Well I haven't had any tests, but my coursework isn't really up to scratch :-(

<Has just finished improving coursework (and managed to avoid CF until I had finished!)

V Has no coursework to do
^wrong =( I have creative writing in for tomorow

<Loves dance music

V will also be a fan of dance/trance music
^ Is uncreative in his posting!
< Had a free dress day at my school.
v Goes to a school without uniforms in the first place.
^ Erm...I actually have this one a lot, I'm off to the Give It A Name gig one the My Chemical Romance day, and I dream I get too drunk and can't remember any other band but them, and they're the only band I don't want to see!

< Is expecting that dream tonight

V Isn't