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The ^ < V game

Erm...I'm looking forward to the Chocolate Factory more! *Vampire_Freak thinks stupid Brits*

<Waiting for my best friend to come home so I can start drinking! (with someone else)

V Doesn't drink
^ Mmm..no I didn't but I really wanted to go :(

< Is home alone and bored

V Is also bored.
^ yes....because my best friend still isn't here and I'm drinking away all by myself

< Is waiting for my best friend to come and get drunk

V has a best friend who is always on time
^ I wish! my best friend is NEVER on time
< is waiting for the games to come on
v doesn't watch the games
^ Thinks its crap-ola!

< Is completely bored and home all alone :(

V Will add me to MSN and talk to me...Please :p Lol
^ Isn't drunk...but is intruiged about wanting to go on a bender :? Lol

< Still alone and bored...but 1 person to talk to :D good 'ol Sam

V Will want to make it 2 peeps!
^ Sorry don't have you're msn or anything.
< Has my last last week of Term One this week.
v Will be having their easter holidays soon too.
^In a week or two I believe
<Is going to SFNE on April 29th (Cheer fest! hundreds of teen girls runnin garound :lol: )
v Will be deadly jealous that I get to hang with hot girls and ride S:RoS.

Vampire_Freak said:
Mat said:
^ They live in america?

not true i live in amercia and i wanna go on stealth.
Wrong! Because it's a mini-Kingda Ka, I live with in an hour of real one.
You want to go on a mini-Kingda ka?
^ Yeah whatever stop gloating about yourself *hides jealousy*.
< Has a cold and won't be going to X-Country tomorrow (score!).
v Doesn't have a X-Country thingy.
^ No, But I really wated to go :cry:

< I hope to be goin to a meet-up on friday at CWoA :D

V Is bored!
^No! Jesus you'd think half the people on this forum are bored, I don't know why

< Is fat....and has to go on a diet!

V Isn't fat....and doesn't have to go on a diet
^ .... no comment as i know someone that will dispute it :roll:

< Is booooooooooored doing coursework

V Will be in Year 11 too?

<Should be doing Coursework but just can't be bothered. Eh, it's only IT, not like it's a real subject.

VWill also/ has failed IT
^ I got an A* in it :D

< Is very tired lately

V Isn't tired lately and is infact, full of life and energy!