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The ^ < V game

^ Was until about two minutes ago (chocolate spread toast yummy!)
< Is debating what schoolwork to do.
V Will be a 15 year old?
^Is debating what schoolwork to do.
<No im 13 And im bored silly.
vdont no who It could be.
^ Erm...slightly wrong :p

< Loves vodka and cokes...

V Prefers Pepsi over Coca-cola?
^Loves vodka and cokes
<I will drink both of them Doesnt bother me.
vYou never know who it could be.
^ No unfortunately not, has to do schoolwork :-(

< Is depressed for toooons of reasons

V Will be delightfully happy?
^ never tryed them and nor do I want too.

< Is so bored and busy with schoolwork shes going insane!

v Will have NO schoolwork to do at all!
^ Yep. Only have 2 days of school left Yay!
< Has only 2 days of school left.
v Will want to only have 2 days of school left or better.
^ In a way, I've got 4 peices in for next week and I cant be bothered to do it loool

< Is singing to some 'Kid Creme' House music.

V Will want to hear some of his choons!
^ I wouldn't know he he.
< Is waiting for people to come online... again (I'm looking at you, C&R, Vortexchick and Overlord).
v Will come online... hopefully.
^ Erm...I'm posting...Not somebody you wanted thou...Sorry

< Is tired after work...

V Isn't at work tomorrow...*evil stare*
^ I dont work at all ... well unless you include schoolwork lol

< Has just watched Bridget Jones 2

V Will have seen the above?