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The ^ < V game

/\ Wrong I Live in UK And LOVE Oreo's
< Would Love to live in California (Starts Dreaming of living in San Fransisco or Los Angeles with a nice chilled glass of root beer in hand hhhmmm....)
\/ Also Day Dreaming
^ Nah...Just yawning

< Is really tired due to school and just general life...

V Is having fun!!
^Is tired?

<Is not having fun, is also very tired, from school, and has just had to cook, and has had no time to relax much over the last week.

VIs having a good day.
^ All the more for seeing you mate!

< Is actually watching a "Spam" advert - ironically.

\/ Will probably be bean answering back.

<Not a n00b, but I am a dipset fan-The Only Movement Moving.

V Will join the Movement (or else)
^If you say so


^NO way... told you my thoughts on that...

< Bored depressed and lonely

V Will be feeling sorry for me...
^ sure

< Is playing the original Sonic the Hedgehog video game on his Sega Genesis.

v only wishes he could do something as kool as previously stated.
^My Sonic game is upstairs for my mega drive 2. I have Sonic two aswel :D
<sat here boring my friend about coasters and CF
V bores their friends about coasters and CF aswel
^ nope
< Is glad the day is nearly over and is ready for a fresh one tomorrow
v doesnt want today to end
^ What are you kidding?!
< Has had his last school lesson today and only has two days of school left!
v Will have lots of school days left.
^Uni days but yeah
<Is once again wasting Uni time,
VWonders whether I actually ever do any work!
^ Nah I reckon you do!

< Is now peeved at having to use her glasses to read the small font on CF ... something I never thought I would need to do!

V Will have had a delicious breakfast?