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The ^ < V game

^Is incorrectly correct.

<Ponders why a bunch of guys would be talking about their inches to each other, and rapidly changes the subject, to shelfish.

vLikes shelfish.
^ I do not.
< I was actually taking about snow, but I have no idea what Mountain Madman was on about :p
V Is thinking about thinking about thinking.
^Is a loser.

<Can leave the house because I live in Southern California where snow is nearly non-existant (besides the mountains) and therefore, as a direct result, I can leave the house out into the nice 75*F weather :p

vCan see Uranus from Mianus..
^ I can. You can see a tiny tripple ball bag to one side too.

< Needs a wopping dump.

v Likes to lick there own turds.
^EWWWWWWWWW JUST EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! It's like u want to try to feed diareha to your parakeet.. :shock:

<Is insanely disgusted now.

vIs being amused at this.
^ is cool for hating the cold. (Har, har)

< can't hate cold because he hasn't really experienced cold. :)

V has a higher coaster count than me.
^ Bummer. Not quite :(
< Is smelling the smell of cooked chicken!
V Is smelling something other than cooked chicken, perhaps for fetish purposes.
^I can smell a dirty fart i just did.
<Should probably get ready in case he has school tomorrow
VDefinitely has no school tomorrow
^ I started school last week, and it's Sunday tomorrow, so that's a no :lol:
< Is going out for a meal tonight.
V Will sit on his arse watching crap Saturday night TV