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The ^ < V game

^ Possibly.

< Has sat here, looking at Facebook/CF for a full week now (other than part of yesturday), drinking coke, eating pringles and toast non stop. I don't get why there are only about 5 people ever online now most of the time in the evenings/mornings??? There should be more at the boring times of the day.

v Drinking.
^ shouldn't be too surprised at seeing snow in Texas. Global Warming FTW!

< saw snow in California so used to seeing snow in unlikely places.

V is laughing because I live in California.
^Is a fool to think I'd laugh about someone living in the best evahh!!!!

<Is on his new gaming PC :D

vDoesn't have games for mac.
^ Does, and has done for a very. very long time.
< Is trying to work out how he can 'drag and drop' his audio files to his iPod like very other plug'n'play device, instead of using the stupid iTunes :mad:
V Can help me, or can link me to a website that can help me?
^Is incrorrect.

<Hates everything made by CRAPple, but has an iPod which i've filled and hates iTunes.

vHates CRAPple with a firey passion.
^ I do, though I did get an iPod shuffle for Xmas which he is grateful of.
< Is anticipating the forecast of 15-20cms of snow which is expected to start imminently.
V Is not anticipating snow.
^Damn, you're good!
<Probably should be doing revision, but is finding it easy and boring
\/Clearly isn't doing revision at the time of posting
^ Yes, pornography is a fun game :)
< The snow that was supposed to fall in Telford has still yet to reach me...but 1 mile away they have 4 inches xD
V Has 4 inches.
^ wishes he had at least 4 inches :p
< Is never revealing his inches
\/ wants to change the subject :lol: