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The ^ < V game

^ yup, am in an educational facility allright

<Is reading Milan Kundera (Czech author) and listening to Mountains in the Sky, instead of doing proper work.

v is slightly damp
^ Always when I think of you my dear! ;) :lol:

< Is drinking a huge coffee due to a late night last night.

v Also requires coffee due to abject tiredness
^ I may have no friends, but i do have some FurieSmut that i can treasure forever more

< is bouncing around to trance remixes of videog game music.

v is more than 55% bored
^ uhh, umm, uhh...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. NO! :D

< Just worked for 7 hours today, and stood up the whole time.

V Is too lazy to work.
^ Nope, I'm doing fun work. Whooop

< Has only one day left before Stewarding at the Small Nations music festival

v Loves pie
^ Yes.. for the first time in a while, I'm awake before 9am
< Doesn't want to go run
V Needs to go run
^WTF!?!?!!? I'm going running in about 10 minutes... (though my dad is making me run, because I haven't in awhile...)
< Is going to MIA in 1 day
V Is going to visit a park in a weeks time...
/\ Wrong I dont care
< The Pandamonium I watched was great ( Kung Foo Panda )
\/ Think the world is greeeaat!
^Bord? Means "table" in Norwegian. And I'm happy with my table.
< However, am bored
V Tired of "Is bored" in this part of posts in this topic.