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The ^ < V game

^ I once cracked my head open when I slipped and hit it on the edge of a pool. Had to get 13 staples. :roll:
< Is a baller
V Is not a baller
^ Wouldn't be playing this if I wasn't
< Going to a rock show with a lady friend tomorrow night
V Plays a sport
^ Nope, but somehow I've retained my sweet guns <3
< Loves B&Ms.
V Hates the fact that I have a gf, and he doesn't.
^ I'm happy for ya but IMO summer's a great time to be single :)
< Is going backpacking for two weeks starting Monday
V Is not really an outdoors person
^Very wrong.
< Going to scout camp tomorrow
V Would never live a week in a tent if he/she had the choice
^ We seem to be kindred spirits. You also are wrong :)
< Hates cleaning his room but today he has to.
V Keeps a clean room anyway
^ Ha, your having a laugh! Hell no!
< Hopes that the 'fire' at school was real so we dont have to go into school on monday!!
v Thinks im some sort of moron, idiot, or both!!
^ Definatly both. (Only jokeing ;))

< Is on MSN/Windows Live Messenger.

v Isn't on MSN and thinks it sucks.
^ Wrong, is and is talking about 'fire'
< Talking about 'fire'
V Has only read the last post and is wondering what the **** im going on about
^ Eh I prefer Pepsi
< Has to get up early tomorrow, but is inexplicably browsing CF at 2 in the morning.
V Probably has better sleep patterns than I do