What's new

The ^ < V game

^No, but A Level's in a couple of weeks

<Really badly wants RCT4 to exist so I can play on it

VAlso wants RCT4 to exist so they can play on it
^ No
< Making pancakes to soon be eaten with raspberry jam
V Will not be staying up all night studying.
^ Yes, for the best part, have got drama C/W to do!

< Likes energy drinks :D

V Dislikes Energy drinks!
^ Not at all.
< Will be high on them so I can stay awake during the night, so I can study for the exam I have tomorrow morning :)
v Think that I'm crazy.
^ Yup, got sats tommorow :(

< Has to do revision now!

V Is on coasterforce, but should be revising for something!
^ Yeah, I have got a GCSE Drama performance on Wednesday and still haven't learnt my lines! (Oh and its sats, don't worry too much about them, they are a dodle :D)

< Is watching Die Hard on IVT2, have seen it a million times though!

V Has seen Die Hard a million times as well!
/\ To true. (The bit with c4 + screen + chair + lift well = some big mother ****er explosion.)

< Cooking Fairy Cakes :--D

\/ Cooking something for lunch
^Well, well
<Like her(^) Avatar
V Want to know why CF has been that slow recently
^ Well, the team are on it, but I expect there is a problem with the server.

< Has got 4 exams next week (3 of them in one day!)

V Has also got exams next week!
^ Has ridden Cyclone.
< Just about to go offline.
v Has just come online, or hasn't but wants to reply.
^ WTF? That has really confused me!

< Should be doing revision, but really cant be ****ed!

V Hasn't got any revision to do!