Has anyone watched The Grand Tour? The boys are back in town, all the chemistry and camaraderie are back and it was a great episode to get the ball rolling. There was no adventure as such or wacky challenges in this first episode, it more or less focused on comparing 3 £1m+ hyper cars on a Portuguese race track but because its the Clarkson trio its full of bickering and banter and its very entertaining! Available on Amazon Prime of course but also Putlocker in good quality if you don't fancy coughing up.
Yeah, I watched it on Friday night. Thought it was far too early for a kid's pantomime - still November.
There were moments where it wasn't completely ****, but they were few and far between. It's just everything that was making Top Gear awful (too much scripting, too much Clarkson, too much power/money) only to the Americanth degree.