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Yes I said that to Mark last night, you still need phones to play on the PS3.

I was also guessing what topics you both were going to choose and I was right near enough all the time.
southend_marc said:
I was also guessing what topics you both were going to choose and I was right near enough all the time.

I didn't choose my best topics - as they're the movie based ones I know John's ****-hot at! So thought I'd mix it up a little :lol:

90's music though - it could only have been worse for me if it had been Sport based! :lol:
How much you reckon trade-in Value of GTAIV is anyone? Maybe John can tell me!

Also I don't get the voice thing, why can't you talk to each other on Buzz!?
^ Trade in value of GTA4 as of yesterday was 20 quid

Also if anyoe is interested the demo for star wars the force unleashed will go live on the 21st for xbox and ps3 trust me its an awsome game
Pierre said:
Also I don't get the voice thing, why can't you talk to each other on Buzz!?

You have a buzzer button, and four coloured buttons. It's difficult to type messages with it! :lol:

No ingame comms at all. Or EyeToy support.

Basically, Sony are sucking the hind tit here, and they need a simple, unified comms solution that you enter on XMB, and it just stays active no matter what you play or do - until you decide to quit.

Oh, and Force Unleashed will be good if it's close to the Jedi Knight stuff :)
Yes I can not wait for that game :)

Sony really need to work on the online stuff though so you can comunicate with people.
^Yes bloototh does work its just to much arsing about to set it up i think furie means like a typing messages thing like msn to just say come online or something like that as for the eye toy i pretty sure you can use it with buzz just i not got one so not looked into it lol
Pierre said:
So bluetooth headsets don't work with it either?! Wierd!

What I mean, is that I have a Blu-tooth headset. I want to chat to Mark and John who I'm just about to play Buzz with.

I want to click on their user, and select "start chat session" - then choose the other and "Invite to chat session" - so we're all in the same session.

If they don't have blu-tooth, then a nice little messenger window with the three of us in would do. Then when I say "Yes, I want another game, but need three mins to put the kettle on before we start again" - both other peole get it, read it and know what's going on.

It's just so clumsy at the moment!

PS3 Owners said:
Will voice-messaging/private chat be featured in 2.40 as well? If not, can we expect to see this feature added in the future?
Sony said:
We are evaluating the opportunity to offer voice chat, but for this update, we wanted to focus on text messaging as the key priority for communications that our users have asked for.

Some games have the voice chat already, but Buzz doesn't. It needs to be a universal system.

For Buzz, voice Chat and Eye Toy are to be added in the future... Unless they were in the latest update and I missed it?
Oh right.

I can see why its frustrating and would prefer voice chat, but can't you just use the in-game XMB to send a message? Then again, I guess you'd have to send it to each individual user which by the time you do that, the others think you don't want another game :lol:
Well talking of Buzz, I kept wanting to check and make sure john weren't cheating and looking stuff up. I just couldn't work out how he knew the bloomin answers tehe.....

I can find myself getting totally hooked on it though!
I think people need to remember Sony have to develop these things were as Microsoft already had a lot of the communication things thanks to Windows.

What Sony should have done is used Linux as the operating system then people could have downloaded a messenger programme, you can install Linux but from what I understand you either have Linux or PS3 you can not play the games in Linux.

Anyway they do seem to know what they need to do and will get there, and on line is free which is a bonus in my eyes.
southend_marc said:
I think people need to remember Sony have to develop these things were as Microsoft already had a lot of the communication things thanks to Windows.

Thing is, X-Box Live launched late 2002... It was an immediate hit and was the absolute keenest selling point of the X-Box over the PS2. It was the one thing that the X-box did which absolutely mullered Sony. It took Sony by surprise, and they tried to do the same, but were too far into the process and too far away from the dev of the PS2 to ever hope to catch up.

That was at least two years before they started working on the PS3 from the ground up, and they never put any emphasis on it again. They've had plenty of time to get it right, right from the start, but they just didn't. So it's an add-on again, only this time, Sony aren't leading the pack, so developers aren't too bothered about making the effort. Same with Trophies...

southend_marc said:
Anyway they do seem to know what they need to do and will get there, and on line is free which is a bonus in my eyes.

Yes, free online is superb, and it's a great offering - I'm not knocking the service for the cost :lol: It's just that they've got it wrong - again - and it's frustrating because it's the one thing which would really complete the system.

As for Buzz, I'm up to 12 quizzes made now! Woohoo! :)
John did not mean it for you, i mean it for the people that keep going on about how it lacks this and that. But people never mention what it has.

I would rather have BlueRay full HD support free online, controllers that dont need batteries than a messenger service that will come :)

Yes you would have thought the PS3 would have had things from day 1 but it did not.

I hate Microsoft anyway hence I dont have a pc and I work on Unix. I also hated the Xbox which broke after 4 months yet my PS2 still works.

Anyway sorry should get back on topic.
As this is the place where you may spazz out about video games.

I am going to spazz out about touhou 11... cause I can.

and all I can say is OMFGWTF WAS ZUN THINKING?!?!? ITS INSANE!
i know it wasnt for me marc the thick comment was towards marks post about me getting obscure questions right you just got there before me lol hehe
go the demo for star wars force unleashed and i have to say its even better than the preview copy we got at work a while ago as that was only beta code i will deffo be buying thisgame i thoughrelly enjoyed slicing the ATST in half hehe. Also got the demo for bionic comando rearmed and the last guy both fantastic games bioic comando is just a trip down retro lane with polishe graphics so will be buying that one and the last guy is just a funky kool little puzzle/stratagy/no ide game its just bizare you have to try it out i think ill be gettig that one too hehe
I'm in the midst of looking for a new job.. Gonna find a job where the next game i work on is gonna be cool...