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Been playing TimeSplitters Future Perfect again. If they are making a 4th one THEY BETTER INCLUDE A FUXING MAP MAKER <3
big john said:
3 words for you GRID IS AWSOME

Didn't I say that? :lol:

How ****ing hard is Le Mans though?

It's odd, I've been playing the games for years, but it's taken me a good 10 hours of play to finally crack Grid and get my racing right. I'm finally starting to win races without too much of a problem.

Oh, and topic stickied, I've been meaning to do it for ages :p

Oh, and just in...

Guitar Hero Metallica has been announced. Anyone buying GH: Aerosmith by the way?

http://www.infendo.com/guitar-hero/guit ... announced/
No way I'm buying GH Aerosmith. :p
Maybe when the price is right down and it's not part of a bundle.

The thing that makes GH games so great is that you get to listen to all kinds of music you would never listen to normally. It's great for hearing new songs and liking new styles of songs.

So no doubt a GH game based on a single band who everyone knows will suck. :p
Metal Gear Solid 4 is out next week, and I'm seriously considering getting it and a PS3.

I've searched Google for details on bundles, but the results are very yes/no, and I can't find anywhere to preorder a bundle.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

Maybe it's worth importing one from the states, does anybody have any experience with this?
Ya, but the US bundle, containing the game, an 80GB PS3 and the Dual Shock 3 is roughly the same price. :p

It's just the hassle/cost of imports I'm worried about.

Also, if I were to import, would that mean that Region 2 games and BluRays wouldn't work on it?
Games and Blu-Ray disks are region free.

Well I know the games definitely are, but I think you may have to check about Blu-Ray
There are problems with regioning on store downloads. So updates for MGS wouldn't work with a UK account (though getting a US account isn't too hard).

My friend has just signed a £35 a month mobile contract which comes with a free PS3 :)

It's irrelevant anyway as MGS is rubbish, so it'd be a waste of money! :p

Personally, I'd get a PS3 from Game (I got mine second hand, still has 12 months warranty - I bartered and got it £30 off list price, and a fiver off my first game with it) with a Game Reward card. You'll get about £7.00 in points, use those points against a MGS pre-order (saving you £7 off list price, and you get £2.00 of points back again of MGS :)

I also traded in my old Ps2 and a load of games. I think I paid under £300 for the PS3 (80Gb version) and a game, and that was 12 months ago! Then saved £60 or so with trade ins, and got a fiver back in reward points!

So you should be able to really put it to them. I suggest early in the morning, midweek when the manager is looking at a slow day (probably Tuesday) :)
^^^ you sure you dnt mean 60 gig furie as gme dont stock 0gb s3 yet seein as its not even out in te states till MGS4 is out next week. But as for importing one be carefull as i did tis once and got stung royaly in import tax, So what i thoughtid got really cheep i paidnearly double for. At the moment we are doing 40gb ps3 in game with GTA4 for 319 quid but you could alway have COD 4 instead we also do second had machines for 250 quid with 1 years wrranty we do some pretty good deas atually and as furie says you get the game card ith money back so alls good lol. On recomendation front lego indiana jones came out today and its quite amusing and a good laugh for a change just like lego star wars but its indy lol so alls good hehe
Indiana Jones is rubbish. I think Star Wars set the standard and even though this is a nice change of setting and characters I can't help but feel un-entertained by it.
Agree with furie.. MGS games are rubbish. I liked MGS1 on the playstation ONLY as it was a technical accomplishment and pushed my little box, was well impressed with what it showed me my ps1 could do.

Further mgs games have just become more and more and more stuck up their own backside.

Until we reach the peak of anal pretentiousness with mgs 4...

And if you dont think it could POSSIBLY be a pile of pretentious rubbish... it's got TWO (?!? count them 2) NINETY MINUTE LONG cutscenes in it.

Let me re-cap for the slow of thinking.. it's a game where for two cutscenes you are spending a total of THREE HOURS not interacting with the thing but sitting there watching it.

That's like watching 2 full length movies.. But if previous mgs "games" are anything to go by.. that's 2 full length badly written badly acted badly directed movies.

It'll be like watching 2 Uwe Boll movies back to back...

Im sorry - but i buy games to PLAY them....
The ninety minute cutscene rumour is reportedly a gross exaggeration. Nevertheless, I am a massive fan of the series, so regardless of what's in or not in it, I'd still buy it.
I too am a huge MGS fan ever since MGS on the PS1. I do feel he has over egged the story a bit now, and the cut scenes can start to grate, but long cutscenes and complex story arcs are a trademark of the series, and you don't buy a MGS game if you don't like them. Who's to say they didn't know where the story was going to end anyways, and were just waiting to get to this point, as this is supposedly the final game. Or did they just make it up as they go along.

For me MGS's always been more about the cool stuff you can do, and the fantastic set-pieces than the story telling, though I've always thought the story was better than some drivel that's released.
Lain said:
The ninety minute cutscene rumour is reportedly a gross exaggeration. Nevertheless, I am a massive fan of the series, so regardless of what's in or not in it, I'd still buy it.

Lets say it's a "gross exaggeration" and they're 30 minutes long and not 90..

That's STILL too long.
oh.. and there's a 5 to 10 minute long install between each level!!!

This actually takes me back to playing spectrum games where i had to press play on the tape between each level!
I don't think I will bother with MGS actually.

I loved the games and hate the rediculously long cut scenes and you have to install each level? What aload of ****.

I will still get it, but when the hype has died down and its really cheap. So this time next year :lol:

Think I will stick to Grid and my 360 for now :D
Not sure where your getting the info about the load/install time as the copy we have been playing at work all day has no install between levels yes all games have a little load time but this is no more or less than other games its not that noticable so ether someones telling porkys or someone just dont like MGS lol. Im not sticking up for it at no means as iv never been a MGS fan but i have to give this game credit it looks fantastic and plays like a dream so id recomend it if your a fan
big john said:
Not sure where your getting the info about the load/install time as the copy we have been playing at work all day has no install between levels

I was wrong when i quoted "levels" from a review.. I've been reliably informed by my ps3 owning mate who's been playing it all weekend - that it does install between "acts" (not levels)

I'll never find out for myself as i hate mgs, although only played up to the 2nd one (prefer interactive gaming experiences myself).