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The Games we play...

They are still out the door at game at lakeside. I have a work meal so will try after as the ps4 controller is £30.
So I caved and bought an XBone as Sunset Overdrive, and some of the following exclusives, are looking to be hitting my kind of fun.
Guilty pleasure of mine is the dynasty warriors series

Love the ROTK story in general and nothing better than going on 2 player Co op and mindlessly wading through hundreds of enemies lol

Roar Blue Dragon
Well today I have decided to play all Zeldas from the original to Dynasty Warriors. I am currently half way through The Original Legend Of Zelda. This was the start of a legacy.
Still working on porting RCT over to Mac via Wine. Have everything except for screen rendering working!
^Aside from that very minor part, you're cracked it! ;)

P.S. If you're a fan of crawling in dungeons (or elsewhere now!), get on Legend of Grimrock 2. Check it out:


It's pretty much perfect?
I got my first platinum trophy in over two years this morning (Motorstorm: Apocalypse being the last one).

This oen was Watch_Dogs - fantastic game - well worth the money. The final trophy was frustrating, it was the SongSneak one which has 23 songs, 3 are obtained in missions, 17 can be obtained in shops/businesses using SongSneak (Shazam basically) and 3 MUST be hacked off random people in the street. I was down to the last one aimlessly wandering around Chicago for hours, I was about to turn it off this morning then I just happened to profile a guy who had the song! Pain in the ass trophy but other than that the game was superb.

Anyway, 20 years ago today the PS1 was first released. In honour of this Sony are producing 12,300 limited edition PS4's in the original PS colours which look absolutely fantastic.


My best memories of Playstation are Destruction Derby on link up with my mates. An all nighter on FIFA 98 Road to World Cup playing the full qualifying and world cup with many mates on a sleepover (was only 11/12). Spyro and Crash get honourable mentions.

PS2 was mainly spent on GTAIII and Pro Evo gaming.

PS3 was probably where I spent most of my gametime with Call of Duty, Uncharted and The Last of Us, with a transition from Pro Evo to FIFA. I also found myself spending loads of time on crazy little games like PixelJunk Monsters, Crash Commando and the Awesomenauts!

PS4 has started with Watch Dogs, Fifa15. I have Destiny too but not got into it. I bought The Last of Us Remastered off the store yesterday as it was only £18.00.
The Dualshock4 touch pad also has the circle, square, triangle, x pattern on with a 2 before every circle (for '20').

That's dedication Pierre :lol: I completed the story and I was happy enough :)

I think the limited edition PS4 looks awful, but it may be because I'm colourblind. I just don't like that 90s plastic look.

My memories of the original Playstation are selling it because it was rubbish and the controller hurt my hand (I put the money towards a 3DFX card for my PC).

PS2: I remember the release titles a lot. It was in the days where the difference in "power" could be seen.
Wild Wild Racing had moving engine parts, "good" mud particle effects and even smoke from the exhausts. At the time it looked stunning.
Smuggler's Run wasn't as pretty, but it had loads of cars on the level at once and was one of the first open world games I played. No tracks, just go wherever you like. Good local multiplayer.
Fantavision was a weird fireworks puzzle game that was all pretty, but not much in the way of gameplay. bit of a failed experiment.

Those were the three games I got with the PS2 (which I really bought as a DVD player TBH). I picked up SSX later and spent days on that, I loved that game.

Beyond those, highlights for me were:
Frequency (the Harmonix game that would become Guitar Hero/Rock Band) which was utterly brilliant.

This odd flying game where you didn't shoot anything or do anything exciting, but just had to really carefully handle you plane though levels like "refuel in mid air", "land on a train" or "get through the canyon". It was really simple stuff, but hard as nails so you just kept on retrying.

Stuntman was also hard as nails, but brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! It's one of the few games I went back to after having the PS3 for a while and loved playing through it again.

Best moment for me though was Shadow of the Colossus. A game that really broke every mould and created something cinematic AND playable.

I think at the time, the PS2 fitted me perfectly. The games had advanced enough to be really playable and looked great. However, they still maintained that old school "one more go" thing. I had the time and energy to put into playing over and over and obsessing into a game enough to do it too. The effort was in perfecting the gameplay to give you reason to repeat. I don't know if I miss it or not, but the repeat wasn't for opening extras, or moving on as such - it was for the joy of the actual playing.

Also worth noting that Sony in this era pioneered motion gaming before Nintendo with the EyeToy. We had a lot of hours of fun with the EyeToy play games :)

PS3: Again, it's the early games I remember fondly. Motostorm was stunning, different and great fun. Heavenly Sword was sublime in terms of game design, cinematics and story. There was the excitement of download demos and games from the store with stuff like "Calling all cars" and Flow which I loved. Blu-Ray and HD added a lot to the images. I've had hundreds and hundreds of PS3 games though. To pick out favourites is difficult.

Flower: That Game Company doing something different. Beautiful to play.

Journey: TGC again with another wonderful wander across a world where you don't really do much, but it's just a joy to experience.

Rock Band: Hundreds of hours and hundreds of pounds - 'nuff said :lol:

Tokyo Jungle: Loads of fun, very silly, great arcade game. Just wandering through wrecked Tokyo as random animals (from rabbits to Velociraptors) surviving while doing odd missions and having the elements and other animals against you. It reminded me of the kind of game I used to love in the 8-Bit era. Again, you just play for the joy of the game and one of the few on the PS3 I did.

I'm coming up dry now. So many games, constantly. The access to online purchasing and cheaper games from it means I had so many. AAA games have come and gone in their droves too. While this generation was much more "serious", it's not all bad with fantastic new ideas like Heavy Rain coming through.

Worth noting that Sony was the first in this era to completely **** up the online gaming with hours and hours of frustrating dropped sessions, no cross game chat and abysmal quality match making.

PS4 - it's still very early, but I've had a lot of fun with the remakes of PC games so far :p
Turned the PS3 on for the first time in months to get it ready for Kingdom Hearts 2.5.

My god it feels old all the way from the controller to the menu system lol.

At last there is a game I want on ps+ injustice :)
I know to many of you this will be an insignificant thing for me to say. I passed 10,000G yesterday, I was so chuffed I celebrated with a glass of wine, how British of me.
Jordanovichy said:
I know to many of you this will be an insignificant thing for me to say. I passed 10,000G yesterday, I was so chuffed I celebrated with a glass of wine, how British of me.

Do you have xbox mate?
Pierre you've got more patience than I, I need the 5 star police escapes and song stream for platinum, for 100% in game I need song sneak and I just cba wandering around any more hoping I find the last 2 songs I need.
Been waiting in all day for Kingdom hearts to arrive, mails all arrived no game. This is why I prefer going to shops but they did not sell the limited edition!
Smithy said:
Pierre you've got more patience than I, I need the 5 star police escapes and song stream for platinum, for 100% in game I need song sneak and I just cba wandering around any more hoping I find the last 2 songs I need.

I did the 5 star police chase on an exclusive mission I had (CTRL ALT DELETE) as I had the breakthrough back.

The 5 star police scan can be done by just shooting a shed load of pedestrians at a pier (call in Jam Coms a couple times to stop the scan) - once you've hit 5 white stars, let them call the police and hop on a boat to escape the scan.

I only found the songsneak and drinking games tedious (having to 'sober up' by walking around 20 seconds or so after every level was annoying).
marc said:
Been waiting in all day for Kingdom hearts to arrive, mails all arrived no game. This is why I prefer going to shops but they did not sell the limited edition!

No way of tracking your order marc?
Pierre said:
Smithy said:
Pierre you've got more patience than I, I need the 5 star police escapes and song stream for platinum, for 100% in game I need song sneak and I just cba wandering around any more hoping I find the last 2 songs I need.

I did the 5 star police chase on an exclusive mission I had (CTRL ALT DELETE) as I had the breakthrough back.

The 5 star police scan can be done by just shooting a shed load of pedestrians at a pier (call in Jam Coms a couple times to stop the scan) - once you've hit 5 white stars, let them call the police and hop on a boat to escape the scan.

I only found the songsneak and drinking games tedious (having to 'sober up' by walking around 20 seconds or so after every level was annoying).

I'll probably get round to doing it at some point for the trophies, it seems easy enough just time consuming. I did the drinking games one in between doing other missions so I didn't have to grind them all through at once.