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furie said:
Nemesis Inferno said:
I pre-ordered Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros for 3DS t'other day...

Lot more hyped for Smash Bros, though I think I might well enjoy the odd run through Hyrule Warriors as a stress relief method...

I'll be tempted to get SB on the Wii U, but after playing Playstation Allstars on the Vita, the 3DS version doesn't appeal. The small screen isn't made for such fast and busy action. You constantly lose where you are in the frenzy.

Hyrule Warriors doesn't appeal due to the fact the Dynasty Warriors (et al) are really dull. Even duller than Destiny ;)

Nemesis Inferno said:
Tbh, that gives me Smash Bros, Bayonetta and Watch Dogs for Christmas, which isn't as bad as it could've been (i.e. nothing like most of the year)...

Hence why I have multiple consoles (and too many games and not enough time :lol: ). Bayonetta 2 I'd be tempted with if I hadn't played the original. I loved the style and complete over the topness of it all, but again, it was pretty dull. Then again, I'm still button mashing my way through Diablo III which is also really tediously dull - but at least it's never really challenging (apart from having to deal with the awful scripting) :lol:

I've got a 360 as well, but with no interest in getting Destiny, I have no real major games on my wishlist, unlike the Wii U, where every release can be considered a major game because there's no others :lol:
I've got a 360 too and have given it to MMF because the only game on it worth playing is apparently Minecraft. I played through the worthwhile titles in about four or five months and then it sat gathering dust.

You need a better choice of devices Benin :p
furie said:
I've got a 360 too and have given it to MMF because the only game on it worth playing is apparently Minecraft. I played through the worthwhile titles in about four or five months and then it sat gathering dust.

You need a better choice of devices Benin :p

Can't afford/be arsed to move into next gen or get a PS3, hell the only reason I have the 360 was because I won it in a competition :p

Not like I don't have tonnes of games sitting on a shelf gathering dust for the consoles I already own either...
But new games > old games you've never played. Even if the new games < old games :lol:
Nice. Housemates got white PS4 with Destiny, Watchdogs and PS+ for £399 after watching me play Destiny :lol:

It's sooooooo good. Beats Goldeneye to top spot as best shooter
Pierre said:
tomahawk if you download Destiny direct off XBL you can upgrade to the XBox One version free. I know direct downloads form XBL/PSN are a bit more but might be worth it for the free upgrade?

Thank you for that! I'll be doing that hopefully next week.

Sadly, have to return it tonight I think. Money is tight but I have whored the **** out of it. I have an agreement with the wife that when she's home onweekdays, I can't play games while she's up unless she is working. Past few nights have been late ones lol.
Wow the ps4 and last of is blew us away, and the cats.

The effects of the dust were so good our cat was chasing them on the screen! He's never done that before.

Last of us, what a game! It had us jumping out or skin.
nealbie said:
Nice. Housemates got white PS4 with Destiny, Watchdogs and PS+ for £399 after watching me play Destiny :lol:

It's sooooooo good. Beats Goldeneye to top spot as best shooter

That was the deal I was looking at on Game - I don't get paid until next Friday though and that deal is unavailable to order now! :(

^ Marc, there was a similar deal to the one mentioned above with The Last of Us instead of Watch Dogs and I was almost considering that one despite playing The Last of Us on PS3, its an amazing game. The multiplayer is so tactical as well which was a refreshing change to "CHARRRGEEE SHOOOOOTTTTT die, respawn"
Pierre check agos, that's where I went.

They are doing the offers different to the others. They are letting you pick the games you want for £20 rather than making you get games you don't want.

Also downloaded fifa14 today. It's ok not great. I just want to play a season and not do all the manger crap and you cannot. Just drags it out. Also the commentary is ****, saying a 20 year old player is getting past it and rubbish like that.

Funny enough I'm actually finding the console very basic in terms of the menu system. I actually prefer the ps3 one as I find the ps4 very square and market stoolish.
Pierre the ps4 with destiny is £349 at Argos until Tuesday just saw the advert. Not sure if you can get money before Friday.
Cheers Marc, the deal at Game I mentioned is also on in-stores too (sometimes instore and online differ at Game) so will probably get that as it includes the PS+
Yes was strange as I ended up with free ps+ even though it was not mentioned, the offer was on the box lol.

There are some good deals around at the moment. Game was a pain as online was totally different to in store. The games near me all had no stock when it came to what I wanted and just had stock for the £400 ones.
So just returned Destiny so I have a bit of a review.

Start with what I played least, multiplayer. Personally, I play games for story/campaign, and don't really play multiplayer **** that much as if you don't play 6 hours a day, you get skull **** and it just isn't fun to me. Despite that, I found the multiplayer to be enjoyable, although the maps weren't great. I'm sure new DLC will improve greatly.

I did enjoy the strike mission portion of multiplayer, that is probably my favorite part of the game hands down. Truly rely on your teammates to get the tasks done, and it was a lot of fun yelling at my friends to throw a **** grenade when I got in the ****.

Now, the most important part of a game to me, the campaign. Or, as this game calls it, 20 missions that try and say you are doing something, even though you dont. Get ready for characters who have no point, and names to be said with an ominous tone and no action taken against them.

With all the hype, I expected good, not great story telling, some cut scenes, and just a plot. None. Dinklage as Ghost is just bad. Not sure if they didn't have a mic that could move so he was mad that he couldn't reach it so that's why it was such a hack job, or if he just didn't give a **** and the script was so horrible, my bet is both.

Then I guess you have the ending. By far the easiest of the end planet fights. There is nothing that says you won, it's just apparently over. I pray that in DLC they expand the story, because now I'm really happy I just rented it and didn't buy because it turned me off that much.

I'm sure it's just my initial anger,and I am certain I will buy it eventually, but just missing some key things for me. Those who are more about multiplayer will love it.

Now back to NHL 13 until I get money to buy it.
I haven't played Destiny but I've heard all about how it's Bungie's worst reviewed game. With the name 'Destiny', you would expect it to have some huge, deep story but everyone has said that the plot is non existent. I reckon the majority of Destiny online multiplayers will migrate to cod Advanced Warfare when that comes out in November.
Pierre said:
Cheers Marc, the deal at Game I mentioned is also on in-stores too (sometimes instore and online differ at Game) so will probably get that as it includes the PS+

Just picked this up. PS4 + Watch Dogs + Destiny + 12month PS+ for £399.99.

They had changed the POS stuff in store to a 14 days PS+ subscription, when I questioned them on this they said they were unsure when the offer ended so they changed it 'to be safe'. When he checked the offer doesn't actually end until Sunday so he put through the 12 month one for me. Can't help but feel a few people will miss out on that between now and Sunday, sneaky bastards.

Won't be able to play until late tonight!! Gunna be a long one.