The game simply offers itself on a platter.
For most games, I'd agree, but [strike]GT5[/strike] GT6 at no point in the first 30 races (or whatever) offered any kind of challenge. You won, got money, got car, upgraded, won, got money, upgraded, won, got money,got car, upgraded, won, got money...
Over and over and over and over. Dull as sitting hitting the left mouse button until "Fireball levelled up" appears and then doing it again until eventually I can defeat the great wizard Ferrari and get hi F1 car of magical speed!
A decent game forces the player to be challenged as much as possible. Gran Turismo isn't a game though, it's a driving simulator that has a game like element to make it seem like a game.
At least the PSP version didn't **** around. It's just went "let's face it, you're just playing this to drive cars, so bollocks to it - no seasons or organised races. Just drive the cars, enjoy!"
That wouldn't bother me at all; at least it's honest.
I don't mind advancing relatively unchallenged through a game if the game is all about story, character or there's something really fun in the challenge while you're actually playing. I don't play shooters on anything other than easy because I'm poor at them, but I still like the challenge of trying to hit barn doors at 2 paces - even though I often die a lot in the process still. If the story is good, the gameplay element is good and the whole way the game is presented is good, then I enjoy it.
GT's driving is fantastic, but the racing simply doesn't exist and the challenge of unlocking cars and progressing doesn't exist and there's nothing interesting about doing it. It's like a load of the world's prettiest four piece jigsaw puzzles. "I made another one Mum! And another! I'm really great at this game Mum, look another already!!!" You end up with a whole bunch of pretty wall hangings and braggings about how many you've finished and how fast, and then finally have three 10,000 piece puzzles at the bottom to complete. Rubbish; absolute crap. That's the grind, you're not actually making any difference anywhere, except to unlock new things which offer no real difference over the old things.
"Oh great, another 20 laps of Laguna Seca, only this time I'll only lap them 10 times instead of 15, because 'they're harder'."
[strike]I'll still be getting GT6 mind[/strike]

I still got GT6 mind, because the driving is good, and there ARE challenges here and there (the seasonal challenges and stuff); but mostly, the game element is just crap. So it's a £15er to get my 10-20 hours of fun and then get rid.
[strike]Though I will[/strike] I can't wait wait until the GPS thing comes out, as I want to see how realistic it is driving my car on the route to work
See, I do actually like the game - kind of - it's just that the "career" mode is tosh. No challenge, no fun, no racing - unless you enforce it upon yourself, and that's a whole new game in itself