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I bought it because I loved 3 and Tricky. The new one has NO local multiplayer and NO SSX billboards showing shortcuts too many trees, not enough options for routes.
Did nobody think "has Furie bought it, or have an opinion on it? I'll bet he'd be able to tell me to buy it or not because his word is law!" ;)

I played it and therefore didn't buy it :P

However... Alan Wake OMG! Seriously, wow. It's like Max Payne, only really good. It's like Resident Evil, only really good. It's like Heavy Rain, only really good. That makes it really, really, really good (good, good) :)

I could write a long and clever review, but it would only amount to that in the end anyway :)
How far through are you? The best thing about the Alan Wake games is how well chosen the soundtrack is. I love how Remedy always use the Poets of the Fall (most of the time with specially written songs - Late Goodbye in Max Payne, and the Old Gods of Asgard tracks in Alan Wake), some of their tunes are just... sublime


(there's spoilers in the lyrics if you haven't heard it during the game yet)

The Happy Song in American Nightmare is used so well.
Frank said:
How far through are you?

I only started late last night, so just completed the first chapter.

You're right though, it's immediately obvious how well used sound is, more so than any other game I can remember playing.
Now I'm playing zerg rush.

Go onto google and put in zerg rush into the search bar :)
Frank said:
If you say so. Deadly Premonition isn't one of those "so bad it's good" situations, though. It's just bad.

It is though. The whole thing is an actual trainwreck but, it's like a train wreck in the middle of a shopping center. It's just so stupid and goofy.

I think I can liken it to Killer 7 a bit only not as extreme, I can understand people just not getting the joke about it. (with Killer 7 it's more of people getting overwhelmed by the utter mind **** that it is)
I was expecting something that would be pretty bad but at the same time quite quirky, so it's pretty loveable, but I ended up paying 17 quid for it and playing it for about an hour or two. Should probably go back to it once I'm done with Uni, but my God, the gameplay is horrendous.

Also, related to all that Rayman Origins loving, there's a new 2D Rayman game coming out!
Went and dug up my N64. Still works. Banjo+Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie and conckers bad fur day are still fantastic. Pokemon snap is still a 10/10 in my mind as well
As you can tell from my sig, the Awesomenauts is AWESOME.

It is a bit Crash Commando-esque however has a lot more customization for each different character (the game has six characters) with each one having different attack/defence mechanisms. Its a 3v3 tower/turret defence and attack game.

While there is a lot of customization for each character it is very slapstick, each character has its own cheesy 80s theme tune too. Have ended up playing this for three hours solid tonight pretty much.

Only problem is, there is no other modes or objectives so the game could get repetitive pretty quickly.
Pierre said:
^ Ha.

Furie, did resubscribing solve your problem?

It did yes. Odd that: "to fix your issue, you must give us £40" :roll:

I did a three month subscription though out of the refund they gave me, so I'm not really out of pocket.

If the old games don't get played in that time, then I'll not renew again.

I like Awesomenauts, but you really do need to be in a team all working together. It's interesting, but as you say, short lived (and I don't think as good as Crash Commando, but it's less fiddly).
I've just discovered this software called WINE, that allows me run windows programs on my mac. Needless to say I have spend that last couple of days collecting all my old pc games on my mac. Mostly RTS's like Stronghold, Age of Empires, Red Alert, Warcraft, Starcraft, and Galatic Battleground. I also got Halo and Zoo tycoon working. I'm not bummed out anymore about the lack of games that my mac can play :lol: