I doubt they're worrying too much Jerry. While it's a massive drop in sales, it's from an enormous number anyway :lol:
I think price point is the biggest hurdle though for the 3DS. It's what? £230 over here? Double the cost of a standard DS. In fact, it's as much as a PS3 or high end 360. Nintendo always seem to have priced things right before. If the Wii had been maybe even £30 more expensive, it wouldn't have sold as well. Same with the DS. It's the lower price that makes it mass appealing. I don't know if they've missed the boat here? Nintendo always surprise me though...
bob_3_ said:
I know what you mean Fraser about the "upgrade" of the Zelda graphics, but they're not really much of an upgrade. It's like a PSP game
The upgrade looks fantastic I thought. Maybe not so much in screens (although all the new textures look great) but the fluidity of movement is incredible. Also, that picture doesn't look anything like the quality I've seen from an actual 3ds (on youtube, I've yet to witness the 3d-age =(..)
It may have been re-released hundreds of times, but this time they're actually adding to it!
Just to add to this kind of. I looked at the videos, and you're right, moving images always do a game more justice, but it still looks like a PSP/PS2/Gamecube title. Compared to the DS, that's a hell of an improvement, but it's kind of the point of what frustrates me with Nintendo and the popularity they get. It's what I don't understand :lol: (Please note, I know it's my lack of understanding of the entire thing that's the issue here

Nintendo release a game that's been re-released on a regular cycle over the last 13 years. They make it look like it was produced on a system that's 10 years old. Everyone is wetting themselves at the opportunity to play a remake that looks ten years dated.
Nobody bats an eyelid at a system that will be released in less than a year which gives Ps3/360 quality gaming in a handheld format. Let's all get excited about things that are over ten years old instead?
I suspect it may be because I'm an old fart in this respect. I don't do "retro" because I was there at the moment. I loved gaming right from Pong to LBP2. I played games extensively on all kinds of computers, consoles and arcades right through life. I was constantly waiting for the next big improvement which would lift games to the next level. I've scrolled sideways and killed aliens in a ship for five years, I want to do it in a different fashion. I've jumped platforms and dropped down pipes for 8 years, I need something else.
I've moved on the crest of the gaming wave and don't need to look back, I'm always looking on the next thing (it doesn't mean I don't appreciate what I have here and now mind

). So yeah, the whole Nintendo thing confuses me. It's just an exercise in selling retro in an industry that isn't 50 years old yet. :lol:
The NGP: