I go a little too often to be totally objective about this. I still love Nemesis, but don't ride it that often as I don't want to ruin it. It's still a fantastic buzz every time and never fails to get my heart racing.
I've recently discovered a love for Oblivion, but how long that will last for I don't know?
Rita goes downhill each and every time I ride her. At first I thought "pretty good". After a half-dozen to dozen goes I thought "Excellent". Since then it's been gonig down and down and now I think "meh" about it.
I love Corky, but only in a nostalgic way, it's actually pretty dull and hurts unless you're in the "safe seat" (no, I'm not gonig to tell you which seat doesn't hurt, it's mine!!!).
Spinball... Well, I used to enjoy it, but it's really dull now.
Beastie comes slightly above Air
Air is, well, it's Air. I'm always surprised by how much I enjoy it while I'm on it, but it leaves me with no great memories at all. Meh!
I like RMT but it hurts too much. It's still the best example of a powered coaster I've been on though.
Flume <yawn>
Ripsaw - Good fun, but a bit too wet and it needs to be on a good cycle.
Enterprise- Meh
Submission - Ouch
Teacups - Bleurgh
Ugswingers - Meh
Charlie - Pants
Blade - <yawn>
Duel - Please God! Never again!!!
Rapids - I love the rapids at Alton. I don't know why, I just do.
Anyway, favourite still has to be Nemesis, but I do really like Oblivion (at the moment) and the Rapids