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The B&M Thread

This actually reminds me a lot of Millennium Force...A lot.

Without the heavily banked low level turns right? The only difference is that the turns will be much smoother and banked than Millenium Force. A 115 hammerhead is unheard of for a B&M turnaround. I believe the most heavily banked hammerhead is on Diamondback.
I guess everyone forgot about this Leviathan, B&M's new 306 ft beast being installed at Canada's Wonderland. B&M is the better company IMO. Their coasters age better, they're smoother, and their hypers provide airtime that's much more intense than a comparable Intamin.
SpartanG said:
[B&M] hypers provide airtime that's much more intense than a comparable Intamin.
Don't say that too loudly our they'll run you out with pitch forks. :wink:

It depends on what coasters you are riding, but a lot of Intamin coasters, such as Bizarro, Expedition GeForce, Intimidator 305, etc. are known to provide some of the best airtime around. B&M airtime hills are designed to provide more floater air, rather than ejector.

In the age old Intamin vs. B&M discussion, I believe numbers speak for themselves. 8 of the top 10 roller coasters in the world are built by Intamin - B&M's best ranking in at number 5. This isn't coincidence - it is because Intamin builds majority of the best roller coasters in the world.

And don't hold your breath on Leviathan taking any number one spots - top 10 maybe, but it is a very long way to first.
Re: The B&M Thread

Which numbers are you referring to? I hope not the Mitch Hawker Poll. Anybody can vote for that peactically, and I honestly dont care for it. Plus, it is a fan poll, so of course the numvers will be skewed by those that are on TPR and the lowly rest of us.

I prefer the Golden Ticket award because only those with a coaster count over 200 can participate. It isnt limited to those in the industry either. My friend voted in it this year and it was quite fun to see the actual poll.

My opinion entirely, but I really dont see the Mitch Hawker as an actual source to be basing facts off of, since it is a fan based poll and nothing short of interwebing fun.

Switching between the hideouts'...
I've ridden lots of Intamin coasters, including the usual suspects like I305 and Millie. I305 has a great first drop, after that, it turns into more of modern day high speed twister than an airtime machine. Kings Dominion is my home park, and I305 doesn't provide a lot of airtime, and I've ridden in multiple seats.

Millie is the same way. It has a couple of airtime hills that aren't that intense. It hugs the ground throughout the course for the most part.

B&M's, especially in the back seat (Apollo's Chariot, Nitro, Intimidator, etc.), provide a very intense amount of airtime, the kind I'm addicted to. The ONLY Intamin coaster I've gotten this type of airtime high is El Toro, which is one of my favorite coasters.

And to this day, I never saw what all the hype was behind S:ROS. A couple of airtime hills and a helix. Just doesn't provide me with what I want from a hyper, which is to have a constant feeling of negative G's.

Intamin makes great coasters and they provide intense experiences. However, I'm an airtime addict, and Intamin just doesn't deliver in this area.
Re: The B&M Thread

Intamin is known for ejector, so just single pops of airtime. B&M can have ejectorn, but it usually turns into floater, which is fab 1000 times over <3

Switching between the hideouts'...
The only B&M hyper I have ever been on is Diamondback, but it was definitely not an "airtime machine" that alot of people make b&m hypers out to be. Having only been on 3 hypers, Diamondback, Magnum, and Millennium (technically a giga, but same concept), Magnum has the most airtime by far. I just wish I could ride a hyper coaster with Magnum's airtime combined with Diamondback's smoothness and comfort.
Magnum has good airtime, but it's gotten a lil rough over the years. I do enjoy riding it every time I visit CP, which is saying a lot for an old Arrow. The only Intamin I get any enjoyable airtime on is El Toro. While their other coasters are intense, I don't get much airtime on Intamin coasters.
Intricks said:
Which numbers are you referring to? I hope not the Mitch Hawker Poll. Anybody can vote for that peactically, and I honestly dont care for it. Plus, it is a fan poll, so of course the numvers will be skewed by those that are on TPR and the lowly rest of us.

I prefer the Golden Ticket award because only those with a coaster count over 200 can participate. It isnt limited to those in the industry either. My friend voted in it this year and it was quite fun to see the actual poll.

My opinion entirely, but I really dont see the Mitch Hawker as an actual source to be basing facts off of, since it is a fan based poll and nothing short of interwebing fun.

Ok, going off topic, but are you serious? The golden ticket awards (should be renamed the Cedar Point awards?) are the biggest crock of **** going, voted for mostly by people who've never ridden a coaster outside the US. The Mitch Hawker polls are MUCH more accurate, more international, and get a much wider variety of votes and opinions thanks to allowing "normal" people to vote in them.
gavin said:
Intricks said:
Which numbers are you referring to? I hope not the Mitch Hawker Poll. Anybody can vote for that peactically, and I honestly dont care for it. Plus, it is a fan poll, so of course the numvers will be skewed by those that are on TPR and the lowly rest of us.

I prefer the Golden Ticket award because only those with a coaster count over 200 can participate. It isnt limited to those in the industry either. My friend voted in it this year and it was quite fun to see the actual poll.

My opinion entirely, but I really dont see the Mitch Hawker as an actual source to be basing facts off of, since it is a fan based poll and nothing short of interwebing fun.

Ok, going off topic, but are you serious? The golden ticket awards (should be renamed the Cedar Point awards?) are the biggest crock of **** going, voted for mostly by people who've never ridden a coaster outside the US. The Mitch Hawker polls are MUCH more accurate, more international, and get a much wider variety of votes and opinions thanks to allowing "normal" people to vote in them.

Re: The B&M Thread

^^ Which means anybody can vote, and by simply watching a POV, people can vote based off of that alone. That voting system IS skewed because of that. It is also heavily influenced by Robb Alvey and his group of lackies, and lets face it, you vote for what Robb tells you or you get banned. So it is skewed even more. It is why I dont trust that poll. Basically, it is like going into a video game store and seeing a group of frat boys and a group of gamers in there. Whose opinion are you going to trust more, those that have played games for a while and you know it, or those that maybe one out of the group has played multiple games?

How is it a Cedar Point award? Voyage was number one for 5 years running, and last I checked, that is at Holiday World.

Switching between the hideouts'...
SpartanG said:
And to this day, I never saw what all the hype was behind S:ROS. A couple of airtime hills and a helix. Just doesn't provide me with what I want from a hyper, which is to have a constant feeling of negative G's.

I think you rode the wrong one.
^^Because even the Cedar Point Awards wouldn't get away with voting Mean Streak as best woodie?

Cedar Point has 3 of THE WORLD'S top 10 steel coasters according to the Golden Ticket awards. What a load of absolute bollocks.

Any world awards that focus 100% on American parks is complete and utter bull ****, and just goes to show the extreme lack of experience those "over 200 coasters!!!!" voters actually have.
Basically, it is like going into a video game store and seeing a group of frat boys and a group of gamers in there. Whose opinion are you going to trust more, those that have played games for a while and you know it, or those that maybe one out of the group has played multiple games?

Thats not the best arguement to use really. Do you put off going to see a film you want to see because a critic gave it a bad review?

Oh, and I think the Golden tick awards do stretch beyond America, because doesn't BPB win the best European park year in year out?
^If that's true, it just adds even more fuel to the point that the awards are complete and utter bull ****.

The awards, in theory, absolutely do stretch beyond America. However, the top 10 coaster awards (steel and wood) always go exclusively to American coasters, as do all of the "best ride" and "best attraction" type awards, which just shows the lack of any real experience of the so-called "experts" being consulted for them.
^lol yes. Some people are getting distracted lol.
I know lots of people dont like B&M Hypers, but I really think there is something about them thats just amazing. I mean a ride on any of their hypers is just so MUCH FUN! Its different than el toro and i305 OMFG type of experiences, its just a whole lot of awesomeness and fun! And I think that really makes the ride. To be honest B&M have plenty of holy crap rides. Im really a big fan of their inverts ..... Raptor and Talon were insane.
If you honestly think the Golden Ticket awards are a good source you must be Insane...
They are terrible terrible awards.

AT follows a fair and balanced protocol of dividing our ballots between four geographical regions (see color map) of the United States. In addition to the hundres of surveys sent to American enthusiasts
That is NOT international.
It does say the following right at the bottom.

International fans are also sought out and we invite such fans to contact us for participation in future years
I'd love to see the ratio of Americans to International participants. My guess is well over 20:1. If not 100:1. Mitch's isn't great but at least it gives a better geographical representation.

It's very difficult to do a poll of this type for the whole world. The 200 coaster minimum for GT is bull and if they want to do it properly should be 200 coasters in more than 10 countries or similar.

On Topic:
B&M have always been my favorite company and I'm really excited to see them break out their box. Their designs were starting to get a little stagnant, But with Leviathan, Starry Night Ripper and LC12 they have pushed new boundaries again. I'm looking forwards to the Dollywood announcement next week no end.