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The B&M Thread

I am bringing up the topic of B&M and an LSM launch. Again.

Now that I have had time to really think about it, B&M could very well be planning on a launched ride right around the corner. This year has been full of B&M rides stepping outside the box of normality, so it only seems appropriate that they come out with an LSM ride.
Seeing the difference brake layout on Krake, compared to every other B&M, then I'm pretty sure that it's a step closer to making a launched coaster. Why else would they be moving the magnets from the track to the trains (sure cost is an issue to, but the brake layout really screams LSM launch to me)...

Then there are always the rumours about the launched ride that were supposed to go to Tivoli Gardens a few years ago, before the economy burst...
Perhaps B&M is leaking out clues to the public... Putting the magnets on the train is a pretty big clue that they may be considering an LSM ride.
^ That sounds pretty convoluted to me. Thats a design decision, not a leak. If they wanted a leak, theyd probably let out some fake images or documents, like Hershey did.

B&M always avoided launches because of reliability issues. While launch reliability isnt the greatest yet, its still a huge improvement over it previously was when B&M made that decision. Hopefully they are re-evaluating that decision.
I think we see a true 4D before a launch, but I bet we see a launch by 2014. Seeing as seat rotations will probably happen to Alton in 2013, or else the Alton fanboys will revolt, the idea of a launch is not unseen. Especially with their entrance to the giga field, and from concept art it shows a chain, LSM lift would probably save them some money, so it should be interesting.

Personally I think SFGAm may get rotating seats, and Alton will get first Euro 4D.
Re: The B&M Thread

^^ This is true, but you have to also see that a bunch of the smaller scale LSM launched rides dont have as many an issue as the larger scaled ones.

Switching between the hideouts'...