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The art of leaving a theme park with everything you took in

MouseAT said:
I always have my fleece with me

He doesn't lie.

I normally take a bag, although don't bother if I have safe pockets. If all else fails, I'll burden someone else with all my stuff!
I usually have a bumbag with me for my camera and wear combat trousers with zip pockets.
Ben said:
Frankly, it sounds like you're using a different locker for every ride you go on. Which is... stupid. And it wasn't just Ka when I was there either... It was everything bar maybe GASM.

The lockers last, what, 90 minutes? And they're ONE dollar. Just plan, don't be stupid, and you won't go over a few times.

And then if there's more than one of you with bags, it cuts it down even more!

I'm fully in support of the system, it costs nothing if you're not a moron, and speeds up loading times no end.

As someone who worked at a 6F park before and after the lockers were put in, let me tell you: Throughput took a DROP when the lockers showed up.

That's right.

We ended up arguing with so many a$$hats who thought that the locker rules didn't apply to them, that the numbers went down.

Now personally, I don't enter a park these days with anything that doesn't fit into my pockets.
I usually only bring my phone and wallet and wear jeans or cargo shorts, and almost every coaster at BGA is a B&M so the seats keep them in place.

If I do bring a bag, I put it in a locker and pretend it's locked. :lol:
I usually have a backpack with me and at BGW I make my parents hold my crap but at parks with pins in the station I just put it in the bin and so far people haven't messed with my stuff. I generally don't take my phone on coasters, not worth the money to replace if it breaks or flies out.
One thing I have found works well is to use a carabiner attached to a belt loop, and then have my camera attached on to that in my pocket.
On Corkscrew's final day, I did a radio interview for a local station and one of the questions they asked me was on this subject. I thought it pretty odd.

Anyway, when I buy a new coat, I make sure it's "coaster proof." Zip/button bockets are esential.

In hot weather, I wear shorts with zip/buttoned pockets.

If I'm in jeans and t-shirt, then my wallet, phone and keys are crammed right to the bottom of the pocket, t-shirt pulled down tight over my arse so I'm sitting on the bottom of the shirt. That way if the items come loose from my pocket, they should, in theory, be saved by the t-shirt.

Any other loose bulky items, I usually ask somebody with a bag (or a Vadge sac) to look after them.

Lucy said:
I usually have a bumbag with me
Word of warning, then. In America they call them fanny packs. 'Cause fanny means your arse over there, not your minge.

*eats scotch egg*
Ian said:
Lucy said:
I usually have a bumbag with me
Word of warning, then. In America they call them fanny packs. 'Cause fanny means your arse over there, not your minge.

*eats scotch egg*

Thanks Ian - that's ideal info for when I go to Florida in September :D
I'm not brave enough to be stuffing my phone in my jeans, I did once and spent the whole ride feeling my pocket to check it was still there. For this summer I'll have to invest in some velcro for my theme park jeans pockets :lol:
I just bring my uni shoulder bag. Get a bag lady and you're sorted. I can never have stuff in my pockets on rides after loosing alot of money on Oblivion's lift hill.
I often wear jeans, so the pockets are tight and hidden when you are sitting down. Or I leave my stuff at home.
If my Missus comes i put them in her bag which she puts in the ride boxes, if not then in a locker or leave it in the car. the only thing i have in my pockets at all times are my cigerettes and lighter, which by the end of the day my fag packet is hammard and my cigs are either squashed, broken or wet lol
I usually only take my phone, keys and £20. and my jean pocket will do nicely but if it is cold enough a coat with zip pockets is good. I should invest in more zipped clothing.

^Slightly related but when I go to a park I put my phone and money in a small sandwich bag before it goes in the pocket to stop it getting wet.
My friend didn't and tidal wave was the final straw for his phone and £10 note! :lol:
I usually have one cargo pocket to put all of my stuff in. If not, then I will just keep my stuff in my regular pockets. My camera has a strap on it so I can loop it around a belt loop. Also, a lot of restraints and/or seatbelts will be in a position where your stuff can't get out. Another thing I do is I make sure I sit on my shirt, just in case my wallet falls out.
I almost always wear cargo shorts to parks now, because I have lost no less than 3 phones on coasters over the years. My wallet, phone, & keys all go in the cargo pockets which are then buttoned up, and this system hasn't failed me yet.

And I never feel comfortable leaving my stuff in a bag in the station, even though the likelihood of having anything stolen is pretty low. So yeah, everything I have goes on the ride with me.
To any older members - don't do what my Auntie did and loose your false teeth!
She was on the Mary Rose - the old pile of ship that did a complete loop at Dreamland, Margate.
Fortunatly they were retrieved afterwards and she got to leave the park with them :wink:
I have a hoodie which has a small zip pocket on the inner arm.
I cram my phone and cash in there and leave my non valuables in the station.