RMC has delivered their first flat ride, a custom-themed flying scooter, to Santa’s Village in Ontario, Canada.

Nothing "alleged" about it. They made the announcement over the PA system. And it was more than once, too.It was alleged that drone activity stopped the operation of Hyperia at one point on press day, so I’m not surprised that the park is wanting to clamp down on it.
The damage seems to have been limited to this specific area with the fire luckily not spreading any further. Everything that was there was completely destroyed, though.A fire destroyed part of Legoland Billund in Denmark. Park officials say the blaze is believed to have been caused by a short circuit and has wrecked a section of Miniland, an area with replicas of famous buildings made of Lego bricks including the Kennedy Space Center, the canals in Amsterdam and the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai. Video surveillance showed the fire began in one of the electric cars that runs on rails which was being recharged overnight. Source
Oh my god!A 13-year-old girl died on Wednesday after being found unconscious in a pool at Discovery Cove theme park in Orlando, Florida, on Tuesday. The girl was rushed to a hospital, where she was later pronounced dead. Authorities are looking into the cause of the incident. Source
An update on this, the girl was from Wales - no news on how it happened / cause of death.A 13-year-old girl died on Wednesday after being found unconscious in a pool at Discovery Cove theme park in Orlando, Florida, on Tuesday. The girl was rushed to a hospital, where she was later pronounced dead. Authorities are looking into the cause of the incident. Source
I like to imagine it was a little miniature fire. perhaps with cgi/stop motion lego fire effects like the lego movieThe damage seems to have been limited to this specific area with the fire luckily not spreading any further. Everything that was there was completely destroyed, though.
Større område er brændt ned i Legoland: - Det er en trist dag for os allesammen
En del af Miniland brændte ned natten til onsdag. Medarbejderne er triste, og de kommende dage og uger vil vise, om området skal bygges op igen.jv.dk
Based on the placement of the tree, the church in the background, and the yellow train shed left intact in the corner, we can conclude it was this shipping port display that burned down:
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