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Six Flags Mexico | Medusa Steel Coaster | RMC Iron Horse

Liken' the progress! I just wish the track was green. Since its medusa...ya know? Makes sense to me. I'd like to see a new color other than red or orange.
^Yeah, I'd like to see a different color as well. I kind of thought they'd paint it yellow, since the other Medusa coaster's are/were yellow.
TPR recently posted a construction update (seemingly from a construction tour):


Look at that :--D


More photos can be found here: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewto ... 3#p1392353
The inverting drops on The Smiler are the best thing about it, imagining it with a longer train and lap bars, my god. This will be great fun.
I'm actually glad they're doing a Smiler drop instead of just re-breaking the record for the steepest drop on a hybrid. :p
Don't get me wrong, the rides look fantastic in terms of how amazing they are while you're on it - but they are ugly as sin. Obviously making an exciting hybrid coaster ride brilliantly AND looking like sex on legs isn't something you're going to accomplish, but I feel I need to moan about how fugly they are.

I'm sure they have a lovely personality though ;)
furie said:
Don't get me wrong, the rides look fantastic in terms of how amazing they are while you're on it - but they are ugly as sin. Obviously making an exciting hybrid coaster ride brilliantly AND looking like sex on legs isn't something you're going to accomplish, but I feel I need to moan about how fugly they are.

I'm sure they have a lovely personality though ;)

I'm curious what they would be able to do with Steel Supports and a different color track.
The Hedgehog said:
I'm curious what they would be able to do with Steel Supports and a different color track.

This. Color them both like on Outlaw Run and there be no problem.
I seriously don't have a problem with how it looks.


From the park's facebook page.