Giga Poster
Does this mean you might actually catch some air on this?
5 airtime spots as claimed by the media.Does this mean you might actually catch some air on this?
Three of them are the rider in the station saying "oh! look at what I can do!"5 airtime spots as claimed by the media.
Oh, you mean when the Pantheon live-stream crashed and never came back online?They put on a decent show for the media and a significant upgrade from the recent Williamsburg one so I can excuse the cringe.
I mean in their defense, I'm still trying to figure out why we're going to jet ski through a haunted house.I didn't know about the Pantheon mess, ha, was more thinking the DarKoaster reveal when the company representatives came off as clueless about the park or not best suited to presentations.
I know it's shocking right. Next they'll be building entire rides that are similar at different parks in the chain.ArE yOu InSiNuAtInG tHaT PaRk ChAiNs ReCyClE bRaNdInG cOnTeNt!?
My spouse and I love this very much. It was exceptional; a concise and culturally relevant YouTube poop and honestly please rebrand the coaster specifically because of thiscome on everybody! all aboard the party coaster! yeeeaaaah!