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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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^Yes, we did.

And that would be the only real time live actors would make sense. If they were actually acting, like, in a trap. Just going "BOO" to a long line of people... would not work.

Of course, this is pointless, because as most people have said, they won't be there for long.
ollie, I hate to be a twat, but why are you giving everything away? and since you know everything about it, answer the question that everybody has been saying, about the saws being in a shed, why hasnt that gone ahead?
Agreed Ben. Budget cuts will probably mean they are gone within 6 months of opening and maybe before. Then you will see a sudden return of them for Halloween because well, it's purpose built for it ay!
Ben said:
And that would be the only real time live actors would make sense. If they were actually acting, like, in a trap. Just going "BOO" to a long line of people... would not work.

Exactly. Also, you can't really have someone acting like they are in a trap all day. Imagine having to scream and shout all day, it just wouldn't work.
Uncle Arly said:
Ben said:
And that would be the only real time live actors would make sense. If they were actually acting, like, in a trap. Just going "BOO" to a long line of people... would not work.

Exactly. Also, you can't really have someone acting like they are in a trap all day. Imagine having to scream and shout all day, it just wouldn't work.

Erm, the actors at Madame Tussauds do it! From around 9.30 till 6, everyday. It's called rotating casts and shifts. It would be very easy to stage a way to make an exit.

Thing is, even if they are just planning to re-enact scenes from the movie or whatever, why not just have screens showing it? Would be a damn site cheaper and a lot more likely to last longer!
I think the actors will be acting out scenes from the films. I.E placed in traps and being tortured.
I'd much prefer this as it's beats normal queues as you've got something to watch and keep you on your toes.

Edit: Has anyone seen any casting adverts?
I am just waiting for the "Saw is experiencing technical problems and will resume as soon as possible" messages, that will mess up all the acts and feeling in there :) and leave you standing looking at the same scene for 20 mins.

Ollie how do you know all this seeing that you only found out about the actors by zooming in on a picture?

I am smelling something at its not part of the theme :)
I haven't been allowed to tell you most things but if you work it out ie the signs then it's fine. :p

Also this must be mega news night as just found these images.

Queue promo photos anyone?






Ollie said:
The actors will be acting out scenes from the films. I.E placed in traps and being tortured.
I much prefer this as it's beats normal queues as you've got something to watch and keep you on your toes.

As I said... why the extra expense... why not just have the footage from the films....... (at least that would last longer). Plsu, they are working alongside the makers of Saw and therefore could easily acquire the rights to show it! And please, let's not go down the age restriction/film classification route. Yes the films are restricted, but then surely having a live actor do it would invoke the same type of restriction....

Ollie said:
Also this must be mega news night as just found these images.

They were on the official Saw site ages ago......
Ben said:
... aren't those pictures just from the films...?

Yeah they are, they were used as part of the initial planning permission for style references I believe and now they are on the official Saw site... but it really is old news...... I saw them months ago!

Also, just wanted to add this thought, isn't it clever how no one is talking about the ride, even Thorpe. The attention is being very drastically being diverted of the ride experience in the sense of the actual coaster. (my hunch would be because that is where this "experience" is ging to drastically lack!)
I think it's great that they're advertising it as MORE than a coaster. It's not simply hop on, ride it hop off. Thorpe are trying to make it into a much more deep theme where the experience starts as soon as you enter the queue till when you exit the ride photo desk.
Thorpe have done everything right for me so far with this ride. Which is why I love it so much already. :D
I actually hope it's complete crap now, just to see the look on Ollie's face!

No, that was a joke...I'm sure it'll be very good.
Yes and Europa did everything right for me and Silver Star until I went on the coaster :)

Ollie your wrong, if Thorpe wanted that why is the coaster not themed?
Ollie said:
I think it's great that they're advertising it as MORE than a coaster. It's not simply hop on, ride it hop off. Thorpe are trying to make it into a much more deep theme where the experience starts as soon as you enter the queue till when you exit the ride photo desk.
Thorpe have done everything right for me so far with this ride. Which is why I love it so much already. :D

Thats not quite what I meant Ollie. Very little of the attention is being drawn to the actual coaster experience but more towards the Saw movie tie in. This is because they know the actual ride experience is very little out of the ordinary and is going to need some bloody big guns to ensure it gets anywhere near to what they are expecting! They are focusing much more on the fact they have a big name film in partnership then the ride. Don't get me wrong, I think that is bloody clever marketing. The fact it is SAW will mean that to a certain degree a lot of people will instantly be hyped about the ride and therefore will like it simply because of the film tie in.

Personally, I am getting a bit tired of being feeling forced into liking the ride and having it rammed down my throat about how amazing it is going to be (not necessarily on CF btw) Because all that is doing is making me dislike it even more....
It's more marketing I believe. If they say "look we've got a Eurofighter"everyone will be like "meh". But if they say "look at our new interactive horror ride SAW: THE RIDE - The scariest ride in the world" people will go "OMFG THAT LOOKS WELL SICK INNIT!"

So it's just Thorpe trying to hit the right target audience with it's advertising.
And yes, as I said in my previous post... I do agree, that is bloody clever marketing! But you just said it yourself.... Eurofighter: MEH! which is exactly what I am getting at!
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