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Rita vs Stealth

Rita VS Stealth

  • Rita, Alton Towers

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • Stealth, Thorpe Park

    Votes: 26 74.3%

  • Total voters
^Thanks! So I guess that gives me permission to make a couple more...and I'll try to include new coasters too...

Anyway, back to the poll now. What about theming? Up until 2010, the theming of both coasters was relatively the same, however after Rita's re-theme it changed...which theming is better?

As always, please talk about the actual coasters themselves!
I really like the twists and turns on Rita, but the bumpines is a bit annoying. I have to say Stealth due to the pure adrenaline produced by it...
[Topic tidied - ie, Ben and CoasterCrazy's posts removed. Ben's for being rude, CoasterCrazy's for rising to it.]


My favourite out of these two is hard to say actually. I prefer Rita's layout, but the launch feels very weak in comparison to Stealth's (which feels weak in comparison to KK or TTD :P ). I think I'd have to say Stealth. Rita seems to suffer from quite a bit of rattling too.
^ Agreed, in terms of pure stats and adrenalin, Stealth wins hands down, however, I feel that Rita does a little more after it's launch. I think Rita is definitely missing several near-miss points myself...

Thanks for deleting the posts, it was getting out of hand...
To be honest, for me, this is actually really close. After riding Rita again the other day, I remembered what love I have for it. Mainly because I forgot it had airtime..

It's so close for me, I can't say which I prefer.
Rita has some good airtime.

I'm sorry, but the difference between Stealth and Rita's launch is more a placebo effect caused by you knowing the the stats. They feel the same in terms of force.
As you can see in my info Stealth is my fav coaster, so it's the obvious choice for me! It's just such an amazing ride!! Very powerful launch, high g's in the incline, good airtime over the top hat, lovely drop and yet again good airtime over the hill :--D It is short, yes, but what a hell of a punch that ride delievers!

Rita is good too though, but not amazing. It delievers some airtime, which is the best part. But as some others have mentioned it rattles (in contrast to Stealth which is silky smooth) and the launch aint as good as Stealth's.. Plus it lacks the aesthetics of Stealth!
Now, I hate to sound a bit wierd, but last time I rode Rita (in this years summer hols) it actually felt sooo smooth and I didn't feel any rattling, I felt lots more G's than I expected to AND the queen of breakdowns didn't break down at all (th13teen broke down 3 times though)!

Now, I know this sounds a bit confusing, but have Intamin done some work on Rita whilst they were making th13teen?
Rita is (like a lot of Intamins :P ) seat dependent. Some of the seats are absolutely fine and it feels really smooth. Others can be bad.

Along with that, temperature can have a small bearing, as can launch speed and how recently the wheels have been replaced. I'll bet there's even a difference between trains. So it's doubtful there's been any real work done on Rita, but that doesn't mean you were imagining things :)
Rita I dislike the more I ride it. It's certainly my last choice of ride at Alton. The funny thing is, when it first opened I loved it.

I'm not sure what the problem is. Roughness coupled with the fact it doesn't do anything, perhaps?

Oddly, Rita is the only one of those Intamin coasters with those restraints that hurts me. I had no issues with Kanonen at Liseberg. What else do people moan about... Oh, Intimidator at Kings Dominion before they changed the restraints, not a problem either. But yet Rita batters the crap out of my neck on that low turn on the back right side of the ride. I think it's there anyway. I can understand where it happens on the other rides for others, but for some reason I avoid it and just get the awesome whipping without the pain. Do people ever complain about it with Maverick? It's a pity those restraints cause so much of a problem for so many people, because those manoeuvres that often cause the agony are AMAZING. <3

Rita has a horrible queue. It's not the worst, but it's pretty bad. It's the mass of people in one space that moves slowly thing that does my head in. One thing I really like about Rita is how it dances over the top of the queue and I, actually, think it visually fits into that space really nicely. I like the colours of it, I like the layout, I like the sense of seclusion created by the launch track that separates the area up.

Stealth, on the other hand... I feel a bit more like you get what you came for with it. I always enjoy it. It's queue is burdenous, but only because of how long it gets and unlike Rita's is just hidden out of view and you're not even provided with a nice view of the ride... Just a stagnent pond to look at. Nice. I'd be interested to know what the waiting time for each ride is when the queue is full, because it certainly seems like Rita has a LOT MORE queue line space than Stealth. That may be an illusion.

So I vote Stealth. It's not a fantastic ride, but it's a very good one trick pony and it's a lot of fun. Yeah, Rita is a bit more unique, yeah Rita has more content, but it's rubbish content, quite frankly.
^The queue on Rita is much longer. Stealth has an extension queue which is pretty short, and you get a nice view of SWARM. Rita is very long, and the ride going past is nice, but you start to go deaf after the 10th time it goes past...
I want to like Rita more. I want to like Rita as it's a very unique layout amongst the accelerators, completely different. Compared to the rest of them, in every way it's very experimental and unusual.

Stealth is completely unimaginative, basically being a half-size Kingda Ka and a copy of Xcelerator. But the launch is more powerful and the view is beautiful. It's just simply more of a physical rush. Stealth.
^I'd disagree. If you look at the list of Accelerators:

There are:
-5 that are simply top hat models
-3 that are like Rita
-6 that are unique layouts

I'd say after the top hat models, the Rita layout is the next most common. There's nothing unique about it.
^I can only find two Rita models on that list....
-Desert race
-Is there a third one? (Perhaps you just made a simple mistake :--D )

Anyway, Alton Towers were the first park to make a Rita model so I guess it's unique, simpily because it's the first one.

Actually, there really isn't any difference in clones between these two coasters:
Zaturn is basically a clone of Stealth too! Although TP's was made first....
^He'll mean layouts that are similar to Rita's.

I assume he means Senzafiato as the other one.

I'd also say Formula Rossa... Which isn't on that list... That's just a HUGE Rita.

However, seeing as Rita was the first with that sort of layout, I'd say experimental is a fair term for it.
Yeah, I was counting Senzafiato. A extra little hill doesn't make any difference as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, forgot about Formula Rossa too...

I was meaning it wasn't unique because there where others, in the same way I don't count the first Boomerang model to be unique.
The launch on Stealth is so much better than Rita's and I prefer the theme. The only problem with Stealth is that it'so short.

I still prefer Stealth though.
^Agreed, I actually prefer Stealths theming more because of the voicover and music, which unfortuently Rita doesn't have anymore! :cry:

In terms of airtime though, I'd probably say Rita...
I vote Stealth. I enjoy the launch on both, but I haven't felt airtime on either.

Stealth gets my vote because I prefer going 210ft in the air and having a nice view of the park as opposed to going around in near circles while my neck is thrown into the restraints.

Much the same reasons that i'd vote TTD over Maverick, now I bet i've opened a can of worms.