A lot of people think I'm crazy for this

-D) but Rita is my no.1 coaster. My coaster count isn't spectacular at 67, but considering I've been on countless coasters that constantly rate better than Rita, including some of the high-flyers in Mitch Hawker's polls over the years such as Nemesis, Megafobia, Balder etc, I just think it's a fantastic ride. I enjoy the launch, I think the twisted airtime hills are good fun. The corners are fast and intense. It maintains a fast pace throughout and the front row ride is astonishing, especially when compared to Stealth. Most of all, because I'm tall I don't get the problem of the restraint cutting into my neck, I don't find it painful at all.
Both Stealth and Rita are good at the front because it's great to have all eyes on you, but after the drama of everyone watching you on the launch Stealth's fun dies yet Rita continues to impress me. Stealth is good, however, front row at night. It adds something to the occasion, and would probably score an 8/10 from me at that point.
However, there's something about Rita that goes way beyond what Stealth can do for me. Rita is in the legendary Alton Towers, the park where you turn a corner and see a coaster appear from nowhere. You pass Hex through the towers and Rita pops up in the distance in all it's glory, you're greeted with trains flying over interlocking airtime hills. You queue and the ride happens above you, diving behind trees and soaring over the crowds. The music is loud and the atmosphere is buzzing, the launch sequence booms over the queueline, it's magic to me. It captures what AT means to me.
Stealth, it's just there. It has no personality. TP never had magic, and Stealth certainly hasn't added anything. The launch sequence can barely be heard from the station itself, and the music, when playing, is quiet. There are no trees surrounding the queue line, there's no atmosphere, there isn't giant Intamin track parading directly above your head, and apart from the launch you can't appreciate the reactions of the riders.
I hope that explains things a bit.