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RCT2 Help, Information and Requests

I believe there are a couple of converters out there on the web. I remember looking about 6 months ago, but I would suggest doing a google search...
Or I guess you could go to www.forums.rct2.com and ask there about it... I'm sure they would know.
Sorry, don't know if we're allowed to answer here, but I will anyway.

The easiest way to convert to .wav is to open the file in Media Player, and click save as, then just rename the file to filename.wav.
To get the right compression ratio, open your .wav with sound recorder and change the settings there. I'm not fully sure this will work, because my sound recorder doesn't work for some reason, but that's irrelevent.

I will warn you though that I am one of the people who lost all the RCT sound files, so I don't recommend it. I got them back by re-installing, but I lost all my custom scenery. But it's obviously your call.
CP6 after you read this you have evry right to call me a complete idiot.

Ages ago when I had that disappearing support dilema the problem was I wasn't using the right base block! I was using the default one from the game instead of the toontowner's base block or whatever its called. So sorry CP6 about pissing you off all the time. It was me because it didn't work.
Lol, you didn't piss me off. Thanks for letting me know actually... that's a really big help.

If anyone has any other questions or want to request tutorial or something, please let me know... the topic hasn't gotten much activity for a while.
^Since you asked, it's been a while now and I still haven't heard anything from you about the competition e.t.c. I'm still waiting for some more help if you get any time. Thanks.
Oh crap... I did say I'd comment more, didn't I? Um, sorry... I've completely forgotten. Anyway, the competition has been sent to Ed for uploading and will be there momentarily.
CedarPoint6 said:
the topic hasn't gotten much activity for a while.

Oh you'll be getting a lot of questions from me soon. I am going to start a RCT2 Project in the upcoming holidays (shameless self premotion here) and I am bound to need some hacking help.

PS: The only thing I am giving away about the park is that it will be jungle themed (I love jungle themed areas it's my favourite theme) and will be on a 150x150 - 180x180 map.
Hi CP6.

Im sorry for this waste of time i will ask you, but, if you download a ride, scenery or a trainer, when y6ou try to open it, it comes up with open with thing. i was wondering what should i open it with?
I am building the workbench for my park now. I should have finished it and started building by the holidays. But I do have a question.

Question 1 out of soon to be about 20 million - what scenery pieces do you reccomend for building a park? And when I mean by that I mean what are some vital building blocks? I am going to mainly use the wooden stuff but what other stuff should I use? Thanx.
Fool- Downloaded scenery and rides are not opened. They should be put in the ObjData folder in the RCT2 menu of the C drive.

Trainers should just be unzipped and double clicked on. Trainers don't open with anything... they're a program, just like RCT.
The Claw- What scenery pieces? Wow, that's tough. Each workbench I make is custom, but they're all based off of my generic bench, which is from the New Element Pro Tour bench. Staple things:
-Waterfalls, rapids
-Toon's building blocks
-Toon's quarter roofing
-Custom walls of 1/4 and 1/2 height
-General Custom Support Stuff
-General other little things like flames or Fisherman's arches

Things to avoid:
Full height walls- why add these when you can place 2 half height ones and save object space?
Full Roofing- Why bother with full roofing, when quarter tile stuff can make them all?

There's probably other things as well I'm forgetting, but you get the idea... If you'd like my base generic bench to work off of, give me a PM with your e-mail, or contact me over AIM. Thanks.
Oh ok. It's just that since I am making a jungle themed theme park I am mainly going to use the wooden walls and rooves to create a realistic jungly style theme park so should I bother with like the default stuff? Also, I know how you dispise the TT scenery but I think that I should use the South American theming with the ziggurats and the temples building blocks. Do you agree?
No. Never ever use TT (or WW) if you want others to be able to view it... I've uninstalled mine as I don't have room for all that other scenery in there...
I would bet you a good bit that there custom scenery recreations of those exact pieces around there. I'd just get a good mix of walls- like mud, wood, color-changeable brick, and others... you can make anything you need from that combo.
Wow for being on he other side of the world from me you are very efficient when it comes to answering questions. Anyway, thanx CP6. You have saved me a lot of time because most of the scenery comes from the WW and TT pack.
Ha, well I guess it must be very early over there or something... just so happens we're both on!
Glad you're getting a workbench together, have you considered different themes/rides in the park? It's different for everybody, but I find my parks work best when planned ahead of time.
Yup. I have made a list of all the rides that is going to be in my park and by the looks of it it's going to be a thrill park with a water park on the side (like TP except no chavs allowed). And yes this is going to have a question to this - how many rides would you recommend in a theme park which is going to be on a 150x150 - 180x180 map? I have downloaded some of your parks and they always stick around the 20 mark. My list has 40 rides (10 are the water slides, 8 are rollercoasters, 3 are track rides and the 19 left are flat rides). Do you think I should get rid of some rides from my list?

Also when I'm online, it's actually about 10 in the morning!
^ Yeah, I'm usually online around then... and at night... I'm always on it seems.

But rides are really up to you. Don't go overboard and pack the stuff in there, but do it however you like. 8 coasters sounds like a CP style park and the ride total sounds like a BPB thing. So it all really depends what style you're going for. Include as much as possible on your bench so you don't regret anything later. But do it however you want.
CedarPoint6 said:
8 coasters sounds like a CP style park and the ride total sounds like a BPB thing.

Actually I was going for an AT approach. AT has 8 coasters and 35 rides altogether. Also most of the coasters will be terrain coasters with lots of trenches and hill hugging so the concept for my design is really like AT.
Yeah, I guess it depends if they're all going to be big coasters or whatever. But terrained rides are always good... it's what I enjoy most about RCT.
Hi CP6, how do you pull off that trick when you raise the water over river rapids. So that the water is level with the rapids.