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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

Ava: 8/10 Picture is zoomed out a bit too far.
Sig: 8/10 Would be really nice but the logo pic takes up too much room.
9/10 would have given it 10 but there are no Ferrari's :cry:

nah, I'm not that tight, 10/10 for the lovely set of cars smoking their tyres 8)
ava-8/10 simple and effective
sig- 10/10. It's God's car, only in lego. I can tell as it has vodafone symbols on it. Oh how good it is to be an f1 nerd.
Ava 9/10
Sig 6/10.... would be a little better if the two guys in the middle didn't look like ghosts.

Avatar: 8/10, need a 'sharper' picture to go with the sig I think.

Sig: 10. Simple, quality shots.
Ava: 7/10 would be better if it had a train on it.
Sig: 9/10 Looks slightly holographic, but It's a bit too busy and is too faded.
Ava: 8/10.. could lose that fading on the left
Sig: 7/10.. well.. its cool, never heard of it, but looks like a copy and paste and could blur the far right much better into the rest of the sig.
Oh, I get to rate yours!

Ava: 10
Sig: 10

Perfect shots.
There simple, but simple works when you have awesome shots...
8 years ago I would have given you a 15/10.

Now not so much.
I really like the avatar... is that Raptor? 9/10
The sig is funny and fairly original... 8/10 for that, would be better if it looked a little more.... polished.

[Hey, you can only do so much with MSPaint! :razz: - Hyde244]
Ava: 8/10 - Zoomed too far out and the shot is used everywhere.
Sig: 9/10 - Really nice although the rita box is too wide and it would look better if the shot of Nemesis had sky behind it. :D
Ava: 9/10, I'm not sure what it is, but the left is a bit too... bright?
Sig: 9/10. There's a clear border, but otherwise nice.