Re: Proper Football (y'know, with your foot and a ball) Thre
Snoo said:
kimahri said:
I find football to be utterly mind numbingly boring as ****.
This. I prefer something actual entertaining and not full of pansies who flop when they get smiled at.
Or where they feel the need to be armoured to the eye balls because they can't take a bit a knock
Rugby all the way then Snoo?
Snoo said:
Btw Neal, I didn't know this was 'take pot shots at America day' for you. At least you started a thread by you in your typical way, being a huge cockbag.
You're being a bit touchy I think there Snoo. It's a pretty common kind of "joke" and the kind of thing I'd be likely to say too. It's just a crap joke, not a massive racial slur.
[deliberately ironic post]
I've only come in here to belittle any form of football as being inferior to rugby, which in itself is now inferior to rugby since they changed things so you have to use skill rather than just beating each other to death like cage fighting with a ball - though I think Australian Rules is still pretty hardcore.
I understand the skill required for the game, but for me it's like a mix of circus and hunting (all forms of team ball games). You have juggling and acrobatic skills, dexterity and fitness then the thrill of the chase and the "kill". I understand why people like it, but not to the degree they like it :lol:[/deliberately ironic post]
kimahri said:
Pierre said:
Never understand posting in a topic you have no interest in... really, I don't?
Rules of a forum.
Majority of people all saying Yay to the thread topic leading it to be a boring string of agreement. The grumps who have an equal understanding of the thread topic and dislike it, leads to arguments. Then there's the people who find the topic foreign and then everyone goes crazy.
However, football is a very divisive topic with each fan rooting not just for their own team, but also they have their favourite players, managers, there's interest in the different leagues and how different teams in their own favourite league compare with their own favourite team. So there are an absolute mass of different opinions, feelings and passions within the topic. Nobody needs a counterpoint to "football", when there is so much discussion available within the subject as it is.
So yeah, I agree with Pierre
So carry on people and discuss the game, teams, managers, etc, etc ,etc