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furie said:
That really aggravates me (it's pick on Ollie weekend :lol: ).

Some poor bloke has spent weeks slaving to produce the game. He's trying to entertain, and get himself (or herself) a reputation for producing fun games.

And to make matters worse - here's ollie saying it's the best game he's played and he's really addicted to it..

But yet he STILL wont pay the measily amount of money it costs to buy it! Its 10 quid.. that's about what i pay for lunch every day, and it's cheaper than a trip to the cinema.

Gamers are (censored) they really are... Then in the same breath they moan that there's not enough games THEY enjoy out there.

Sometimes i consider making a game at home i'm sure loads of people will enjoy.. But then i realise 99% of those people will pirate it - so i just dont bother.
It's not really a game as such.

Considering you can never win. At all.

Then again, I wouldn't expect a toddler to understand.
kimahri said:
It's not really a game as such.

Considering you can never win. At all.

You can complete it.. there's 50 odd levels i went through them all yesterday when bored.

Besides according to my dictionary:

Game: an amusement or pastime

doesnt say anything about having to win...
I'm kinda enjoying :


it's free (unless you're sad and give them money to improve your stats), and you play a little bit each day.

Not the best thing i've ever played.. but keeps me entertained for a few minutes each day... And i currently rank about 119 out of 33945 - without paying for a single thing.
mrclam said:
kimahri said:
It's not really a game as such.

Considering you can never win. At all.

You can complete it.. there's 50 odd levels i went through them all yesterday when bored.

Besides according to my dictionary:

Game: an amusement or pastime

doesnt say anything about having to win...

Wrong game.

You're talking about the one Ollie posted.

The one I'm talking about the mind game where you have to forget you are playing the game.

When you remember you are playing it you lose and must exclaim it out loud possibly making other people lose.

It's believed to have started at colleges.
Ollie that game was awesome. Loved it. Shame we can't enter our score to win the get the glass glass :(