Chris Brown
Mr CoasterForce 2016
"Red Force" ; "Coaster Force" - whats that all about?
Its been 17 years since anyone named a coaster after CF.
They must have read this thread and seen all the lovely nice things we've said about the ride...

So it's inferior to it's American cousins in every :emoji_zipper_mouth: ing way.
Looks like a :emoji_zipper_mouth: auto complete on RCT3.
That's a horrendous assault on the eyes.
Why was this necessary? Why would they want to even raise the level of the track? And why this beginners RCT approach?
That looks vile, I mean what's the point? Seriously... I have to say Intamins new gen track is vile.
That actually made me laugh out loud xD wtf has someone done with that?! Amazing.
That's disgusting :lol:
Now it just looks like a Chinese knockoff.
Meh don't give a crap about this coaster :emoji_zipper_mouth: thing.
It just looks so bizarre and awkward. And not just the track; the supports for the track after the top hat feel so weird and unnecessary. Just why?
This looks like when you're halfway through building your cred on RCT 2 and you run out of cash so decide to just build the cheapest way back to the station to get it finished.
I had my concerns about this project from day one and with every construction update I cringe a little bit more, PortAventura, what on earth are you thinking with this?
Yeah no it's still hideous.
I feel like this is going to be such an eyesore for a park as beautiful as PA.40 :emoji_zipper_mouth: euros for a wonky accelerator that does less than those built 10 years ago and a drop tower or two.
That support structure is just so :emoji_zipper_mouth: ugly.
That actually offends my eyes.
This might be Intamin's worst product yet, actually. Like, what were they even thinking? It's positively vulgar just to look at!
Eeewww. No. This is one of the worst investments in roller coaster history.