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Phone Apps

The. Best. App. Ever.

Not an app as such but you can watch live TV on...


obviously works on iPod touch in wifi areas too, works really well with the 3g on iPhone, but it is a big battery killer.

I watched that woman win 1p on Deal or no Deal today haha :lol:

At Xmas, I was given £40 worth of iTunes vouchers from family members who put a lot of thought into their gifts.

As you can imagine, being an app whore, I've downloaded a few. Here are some I recommend.

Imagine Tetris, Connect 4 and Frustration rolled into one! Excellent puzzle game.

Just like I used to play when I was a child. "D4." "Oh you poo head! That's my Destroyer!" Several modes of play with super weapons to unlock. Ended up playing this on the loo for 20 mins the other day...yes, I did have two red patches above my knees.

Where's Wally
Based on the popular book. Does feel a bit limited with the screen but the excited computerised voice is worth the money alone.

Moron Test
Similar to this but presented in a funnier, sharper, cunning and professional manner. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/cpumaster930/532442

PS Mobile
Very basic Photoshop app. Great for cropping and adding (limited) effects. Easier to use than other image editing apps I've tried.

Immense fun when I'm stoned. You have a blank canvas and you use your finger to paint lines and shapes over the screen. The screen reacts by changing colour and changing the pitch in the mellow music. Very Jean Michel Jarre

Only downloaded this today and I'm hooked. You start with a word, for example "Banana" and from that word are three branches. the idea is to think of three words that you'd associate with banana - split, fruit and yellow for example. In turn these new words grow branches and you have to think of words associated with them...and so on. I've referred to a thesaurus many times but slowly improving!

Remember The Crimson Room game where you have to escape in a logical and point and click/hope sort of way? iPhone version.

Tiki Totems
You have to eliminate the stones in a tower supporting a scared totem. If the totem hits the ground, you lose. Awesome puzzle game although short lived (about 2 hours), there are updates to come.

So yeah, all my recent app downloads seem to be games. I've not seen or heard of any decent utility/productivity/news apps of late. Although I did use Red Lazer just after Xmas and managed to find the tv I wanted £30 cheaper :D
Martyn said:
Has anyone tried that Sleep Cycle app? I'm intrigued.

No, but I am intrigued and skeptical. For the sake of 59p, I'll give it a whirl.

I'll try it for a few nights (when I'm back at work and supposed to be sleeping regularly) and I'll report back.

However, I reckon it'll be more scientific if I didn't know it was there.
For my iPod touch I got :

Pocket God - a great game where you can kill pygmies on an island using various methods like lightning and throwing them in the sea!

Barclaycard Waterslide extreme - also hours of fun where you can pretend you're on a huge waterslide! :D
Angry Birds is an awesome game for 59p by the way.

Other than that not been many apps to write home about, although the iSimples soundboard is quite funny.
I've also got Angry Birds which I agree is brilliant :D

I've got some great apps since I last posted in this topic including Doodle Jump and Sneezies which is unusual but awesome :D
Topical free app called iElect UK here: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ielect-uk/id350116506?mt=8

The apps my life now depends on are:

TweetDeck - 'nuff said, I loves my Twitter, & this works really well :).

NewsRack - takes RSS feeds and makes them dead easy to read. BRILLIANT app, I can't live without this now (the Guardian feed is particularly awesome as it contains full articles).

Instapaper - lets you save web pages from anywhere (including NewsRack), and read them anywhere!

TimeLines - it's a clever way of recording daily timesheets, good for work.

AwesomeNote - great for note taking

Keeper - great for storing passwords, it's encrypted & password-protected.

TVGuide - awesome for seeing what's on TV now at a glance, or entire channels.

Pocket Tunes - internet radio, works very well on WiFi, & even in the car!

Flixster - essential for cinema times :p.

OrangeWeds - even more essential for using my mum's Orange account to get free tickets on my O2 iPhone! :D
i have:
some WDW ride time apps
WDW map app
Six Flags
Coaster Radio
AOL Radio
The Weather Channel
and some games on my ipod
I can't stop playing Fruit Ninja and Coin Dozer at the moment.

I kick ass as the arcade version of Fruit Ninja. Anybody on Gamecentre add me (ianmbell) and try to wipe the smug grin from my pretty face.
Best music app on android must be Double twist, it syncs with your iTunes unlike any others that claim to do so.
iAssociate 2 was free to start with but then went up to 59p and now it's free again I think for a couple of days.

The apps I'm currently most obsessed with are...

Inspector Gadet's MAD Dash [Free]
LOVE this game. Used to love the TV show and film when I was little and it's great fun to play and get to listen to the awesome soundtrack again. There's loads to unlock as well such as extra levels, old episodes of the TV show, soundboard and a preview of the new comic book they're launching.

Dead Space [£3.99]
I got this when it dropped down to £1.79 for a week. Amazing game and the graphics are great. The controls are simple and easy and it genuinely is scary. :)

Tasty Planet [£0.59]
Great fun to play. Fun graphics and music. You start of as a little germ thing some scientist created and you start eating things smaller than you which causes you to grow. It starts off with bacteria and stuff but then as you progress and move through the story you start eating insects and cars and buildings and then eventually go into space and start eating planets. Great fun to play and there's loads of different control methods so you can do whichever you find easiest. The little comic strips that tell you the story are quite cool as well.

Cover Orange [£0.59]
This was free for ages when it first came out. A little easy but it's great fun to play and some of the later levels can be really hard.

Game Dev Story [£2.39]
Got this while it was cheap as well. Amazing game and really addictive. Once you start you can't put it down and keep playing for hours. You essentially start your own videogame company and you have to develop your own games. You have to hire staff, do advertising and work your way up to the top and get good sales. It sounds rather boring there but it's really fun and light hearted and takes slight piss takes at the names of real life companies and games consoles.

PingChat [Free]
Add me. "coasterollie". It's and app that works over all smart phones such as iPhones, Androids and Blackberrys and gives you completely free texting. You can also send photos, files, locations and audio messages for free and it works all over the world.

Smurfs Village [Free]
I assume you all remember the Smurfs. :p
You make your own Smurf Village, play mini-games, grow crops, construct buildings and do quests. Quite fun to play :)

AppMiner [Free]
Keeps you updated on price changes on Apps. Lets you know all the apps that turn free for the day and also allows 'watch' apps you want but can't afford and it'll let you know when it drops in price.