I could make a list of stuff that doesn't work in those rides, but I won't go to much off-topic. I forgot to mention Temple of the night hawk, which actually had some effects in 2015 but they are gone aswell. On the other hand, these rides will probably be gone in a few years. So I get why they might not fix those effects.
I'm sure Phantasialand is capable of creating great effects for Rookbourgh though.
What I tried to say is that I don't think Phantasialand is better at maintaining then Disneyland Paris. They are good, but not better in my opinion.
Not being that familiar with Disney Paris (its been years since I last visited) I can't compare them.
Although I still maintain that they keep on top of Hollywood Tour and Geister Rikscha; the vast majority of things typically are working, even though it would be far easier, especially when it comes to small details, and cheaper to leave them broken or off - would anyone miss the small caged animatronic rats along the back wall of the Frankenstein scene, in Tarantula the bucket that rattles as a bullet ricochets off it or all of small moving tombstones in Geister? The only thing I noticed not working on Hollywood Tour recently is the second Jaws shark.
While yes there are the infamous Temple of the Nighthawk hawk light effects but the saga of that coaster is a whole other story in itself.
When it comes to modern effects Maus au Chocolat deserves a mention. It proves more than anything else that the park are capable. The amount of small effects and pieces in the scenes between the interactive sections (from small animatronic bits to simulate mice in sacks, wobbling cake, light effects and sequences, projections etc.) always impresses me. And it is always working. Hopefully they can build upon stuff like that for Rookburgh, especially if F.L.Y. does end up featuring a small dark ride scene or preshow at the start of the ride.
As I said with Rookburgh supposedly being 'next level' I think there's a good chance of some effects and possibly more elaborate ones than before. The steampunk theme certainly lends itself very well to having the entire area being more animated than just normal static buildings or rockwork like before.
For instance the enclosed lifthill at the start of F.L.Y. - while it is a rather short and fast lift, rather than just facing a nicely themed wall, having some animation with moving cogs and machinery parts would be great and really enhance the experience. Same goes for the queueline: I'm a big fan of the queue for Maximus Blitz Bahn in Toverland for all the effects and moving parts, and would hope for something similar for F.L.Y..
Phantasialand though may have other ideas for the area (or budgetary constraints

), so as always we'll just have to wait and see.
Also forgot to mention a few days back on the 31st July was the 1 year anniversary of F.L.Y. going vertical.