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PBB 2011 Rumour Mill


Hyper Poster
Hey everyone,

Was meant to post this last week but never got round to it! These 'rumours' have come straight from a AGM held between Pleasure Beach and Club PB (the official club);

*Rollercoaster, Goldmine & Noahs Ark will return to the full-time ride line-up in 2011.

* Noahs Ark will be linked to a brand new attraction, this attraction will provide access to the Ark. Currently the ark is undergoing work inside to bring it upto modern day standards.

* Rollercoaster will have a different colour scheme and rumours of a second train are circulating at PB.

* Tow Sawyer bridge to be removed and replaced.

* Beaver creek to be gutted and replaced with brand new kids theme park.

*Trauma Towers will never operate at Pleasure Beach again.

*PMBO will have three new trains for 2011 but will be designed in exactly the same way as the current trains. It will continue to operate on two trains though and the reason for change is because the current trains are knackered.

Obviously these are only rumours, but they have come straight from Pleasure Beach.

Something which I forgot to mention above, Space Invader has been sold and is in the process of being removed, again only a rumour, but seems very likely.

I thought that was like 2014 or something, I can't see it happening thought, but the current rumours are a little improvment from fountains, I hope the new trains do PMBO a favour!
Nemesis Inferno said:
So it's NOT getting a Twist and Splash?

Good, means it still has some credibility ;)

No idea NI, I wouldnt be shocked if this is the attraction which is put in to replace the Swamp Buggies.

As for 'the Bigger One', well people first said it would happen in 2007, then 2010, but it wont happen.

On a more serious note, I think it would be awesome if they could get the three rides up and running again.

Also, now that they've got 2 massive empty buildings, should they not think about doing stuff with them instead of doing an Alton and leaving them barren?

Also, if Beaver Creek is going to be "gutted", wouldn't that mean Zipper Dipper is on it's way out?

And what's the point in replacing some pretty awful trains with exactly the same?

As these are rumours relating to Blackpool anyway, I'm expecting none of them to happen anytime soon, especially for next year.
Ahh, Blackpool. One of the parks we tend to spit venom at but return year after year.

My thoughts on these rumours...

*Rollercoaster, Goldmine & Noahs Ark will return to the full-time ride line-up in 2011.
Good. Noah's Ark is one of the most fun, bizarre and epically long walk-throughs I've experienced.

* Noahs Ark will be linked to a brand new attraction, this attraction will provide access to the Ark. Currently the ark is undergoing work inside to bring it upto modern day standards.
Slightly worried about this. I hope by "modern standards", it's not going to be 'elf & safety overload or all of a sudden all sparkly and glittery. Interested to head more about this new attraction. Perhaps it's a new fountain or bench? [/lolcheapjoke]

* Rollercoaster will have a different colour scheme and rumours of a second train are circulating at PB.
Again, I'm worried that a new paint scheme may make it look gaudy. However, it's getting some TLC which gets a thumbs up. Second train...meh.

* Tow Sawyer bridge to be removed and replaced.
I'm assuming that's being done during the closed season! At least I hope so. The bridge looks tatty. Again, thumbs up.

* Beaver creek to be gutted and replaced with brand new kids theme park.
As Mike said, I hope that doesn't mean the removal of Zipper Dipper. I think Beaver Creek looks ok as it is and the ride selection is ok. I'll see the plans before passing comment.

*Trauma Towers will never operate at Pleasure Beach again.
Meh, I rarely ride it anyway. Shame to see one of the better themed attractions going. I wonder what will go in it's place.

Something which I forgot to mention above, Space Invader has been sold and is in the process of being removed, again only a rumour, but seems very likely.
Like TT, one of the best themed rides on the way out the door. I wonder if the building would be used to host another dark ride or will it be part of the new Beaver's Creek. Miost likley it'll sit dormant for a few seasons.

Please Beach Blackpool enthusiast.

In all, if these rumours are true, on the whole it's fairly positive.
I'm with Ian... After a pretty rough start to this year in terms of how the future was looking - this is positive. Though I'm worried about Noah's Ark too, I'd rather see it modernised a bit and open than closed.

The ride has been changed a lot over the years anyway, so it's just one of those "evolutionary" things.

I can't see Zipper Dipper vanishing, it takes up very little room and snuggles up to RollerCoaster nicely. Having spent a lot of time in Beaver Creek, I'm glad it's getting an overhaul - it was a bit rough and tatty last time I went.

Here's hoping for a "ride positive" 2011 - I await more B&Q fountain jokes with baited breath ;)
*Rollercoaster, Goldmine & Noahs Ark will return to the full-time ride line-up in 2011.

Thats a positive, pleasing rumour. Doesn't sound too crazy, so could be true.

* Noahs Ark will be linked to a brand new attraction, this attraction will provide access to the Ark. Currently the ark is undergoing work inside to bring it upto modern day standards.

Sounds too crazy, and unlikely, so I'd guess not true.

* Rollercoaster will have a different colour scheme and rumours of a second train are circulating at PB.

I could see them re-painting it white, but I dont no about a different colour scheme. Woodies only look in white or brown. Maybe it could be to fit in with new Beaver Creek theme?

* Beaver creek to be gutted and replaced with brand new kids theme park.

I wouldn't have thought they'd rip it all out and start all over again, that would cost too much surely? If you said its to be re-themed, thats a much more realistic 'plan'.

*Trauma Towers will never operate at Pleasure Beach again.

Not too surprised at this really, but why was it closed in the first place?

*PMBO will have three new trains for 2011 but will be designed in exactly the same way as the current trains. It will continue to operate on two trains though and the reason for change is because the current trains are knackered.

Again, thats not going to be cheap.

It wasn't too long ago that when some people started slating the Pleasure Beach for no new rides, the fan boys came out in their force saying things about no money etc, yet a few of these rumours are pretty pricey, like the new bridge, new trains for PMBO and an all new kidsarea including all brand new rides.....

So either the fanboys knew nothing about their finances and were just pretending to know all, or these are all false.

Would be good if they were true though!
I also feel this is a positive step.

But cannot help but feel the money will be spend do up the rides, yes its needed, and this will yet again mean no new attractions for a few years.
marc said:
I also feel this is a positive step.

But cannot help but feel the money will be spend do up the rides, yes its needed, and this will yet again mean no new attractions for a few years.

It's certainly a double-edged sword...

Blackpool needs both sorting out and new things... Unfortunately they may only have money available in the big central pot for one thing or the other...
Yep new trains are really going to set them back :( But this is what happens when you run trains on damaged track.

Maybe the new trains will make the coaster run better though :)
Sounds good if they are true, hope Roller Coaster and Gold Mine become permanently open, but Blackpool need to sort other stuff out first, like keeping other rides open all day.
Obviously these are only rumours, but they have come straight from Pleasure Beach.

They're rumours that have been started by PleasureBeach? Surely they'd only announce facts?
Needs more

Danzibarr said:
Obviously these are only rumours, but they have come straight from Pleasure Beach.

They're rumours that have been started by PleasureBeach? Surely they'd only announce facts?

Always has to be one with a smart arse comment.

Pleasure Beach often hold AGM's with Club Pleasure Beach and that is how alot of news and rumours get out about the park, hence Loggie's removal being common knowledge before an official announcement was made, new trains for the National were announced through Club PB members, etc etc.

Problem with PB is they seem to change their minds alot, as proven with Roller and Goldmine, they are supposed to be SBNO but sometimes open randomly and you never quite know what PB has got planned until it actually happens.

However considering these rumours have come straight from an AGM held between the park and its official club, I would predict they arent far off the truth.

I really do hope the majority of the rumours are true, as it would give PB a new lease of life, especially if they can start attracting plenty of families again.
Scott88 said:
Danzibarr said:
They're rumours that have been started by PleasureBeach? Surely they'd only announce facts?

Always has to be one with a smart arse comment.

I didn't really take it in that way, I thought it was a genuine question. However, if you want a smart arsed comment...

Scott88 said:
Pleasure Beach often hold AGM's
Often? AGM? That'd be held ANNUALLY surely. Not sure I'd class that as "often"

Anyway, to keep this OT.... This is good news if true. TBH, I can see the cheaper things (removal of rides, reopening of SBNO rides etc) happening, because it's prettyy much common sense. However, with the bigger stuff, as Scott said, the park seem to regularly change their minds, so who knows. Obviously I'd like to see a new ride replace something that's going, but I can't really see that happening at least for a couple of years.

But anyway... we all know they won't get a new ride. But they've already had a bench, and a fountain. I think we're due something different this time. The world's largest Gazebo maybe? ;)
It was a genuine question, I can't see much smart-arsed about it! But thanks for the explanations.

<3 Goldmine, and I wouldn't be surprised Roller will be opening up pretty soon to compensate for Dipper.