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PBB 2011 Rumour Mill

I was hoping they wood keep them white tbh as for some reason when they paint wooden coasters they just look wrong. Will see what it's like when it's finished.
marc said:
I was hoping they wood keep them white tbh as for some reason when they paint wooden coasters they just look wrong. Will see what it's like when it's finished.
It is being painted orange to go with the new theme of nickolodeon streak :?
Yep I thought it might happen I was saying to Mark the other day. I just hope it looks ok when done and not just a big mass of orange. There is a woodie in the USA painted blue and it just looks wrong lol. It's just me don't worry I know things have to change :)

Thanks for all the info on this btw.
I know what you mean Marc, you're not alone. Woodies do look best white or brown. I get the feeling this will look yuck, but we'll see....
Thought I would mention that the tagada is being removed this week from trauma towers and it has been sold.
http://www.hostingphpbb.com/forum/viewt ... m=bickopbb
Also the ramp from the tagada has to exit has been removed.

Photo from whips tr and pbre
Link to tr
.http://www.hostingphpbb.com/forum/viewt ... m=bickopbb
Another thing.A big tent has appeard on the site of the old water chute ride.

photo pbre and whip.

Lots of things are happpening at the moment.