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Old people... "The Older Generation"

Read the local paper today, Turns out the old woman in the video died on december 19th and her family want the videos taken off of youtube.

Guess how old she was.......

RollerCoasterFanatic said:
I never said mine was treated the worse, it definitely hasn't been. Marcus' minority, yes. I was just pointing out to Taylor that you can hardly compare being insulted for being fat, to being insulted because of your race. Yes they are the same, but from around 1610 to 1965, what did they do to black people? Killed them, brutally beat them, shunned them from communities, forcing them to hurt so people could get a kick out of it. Sure maybe you'd see it with religion, and occasionally sexuality, but not to overweight people, or anorexic people.

Wow, I... wow.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Being gay and black is pretty common these days,

I know this post is from a while ago, but I read this topic today, and this made me lol a bit.

Like being black wasn't common before...

All those people who get abused, just think it's probably just some person who's insecure with themselves trying to take it out on other people...
^ I mean common in like, everyday society to blend in with white people and stuff. Gay people are just as common as straight people and the ratio of white people to foreign people at least where I live does not have a very big gap.
Yeah sorry I knew what you meant. But it sounded funny, and I'm a nerd so I have the rights to laugh at really pedantic things like that.
Neal said:
That's the lesser developed parts of our (not-so) fair nation for you then ;)

I may not be from Croydon but I find that highly offensive. People under 60 die all the time, doesn't necessaily mean they're from deprived areas. I know you're probably joking but that comment came out as snobby rather than humorous.
Ben said:
RollerCoasterFanatic said:
I never said mine was treated the worse, it definitely hasn't been. Marcus' minority, yes. I was just pointing out to Taylor that you can hardly compare being insulted for being fat, to being insulted because of your race. Yes they are the same, but from around 1610 to 1965, what did they do to black people? Killed them, brutally beat them, shunned them from communities, forcing them to hurt so people could get a kick out of it. Sure maybe you'd see it with religion, and occasionally sexuality, but not to overweight people, or anorexic people.

Wow, I... wow.

Already explained. Maybe it's different in Europe then in America Ben. I don't know everything that goes on over there I apologize. I was talking about North America.
Its rife in the US! It could be worse than Europe, at least a whole country in Europe allows same sex marriages.
^And we only have 5 states that allow same sex marriages. New Hampshire, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, and Vermont. And apparently D.C. may start allowing same sex marriages as early as next month